Thursday, May 08, 2008

Venue Follies, The Madness of HRC and Sexless Trout

The Follies are complete

In case you were wondering – yes we did change venues for the CD Release party. We didn’t do this lightly; we did this for a very very good reason, actually several reasons.

The Board of Health closed the Luna Lounge at the end of April.

And then a while after that we got a notice that our show was going to be canceled because the Luna has no plans to open in the near future.

Eep. To quote some cartoon character. Insect Girl and the Enemy Below spent four days on the phone after that trying to a) find out what the hell was going on and b) get a new venue to play with as much of the other bands coming along - and absolute utter mad props and everything for them for doing this.

Well all’s well that ends well as we did get a venue to play on the same day – Southpaw – the website is – do check it out – the club looks very cool.

So on with the show.

Meantime – I’m not sure when the point was passed but at some point I think HRC just simply lost touch – her recent pictures are a little scary the eyes are just not focusing in a human way – it’s like she’s just downed a fist full of happy pills and topped it off with a shot of crown royal – hint for future presidential candidates there is a brand of hard liquor called Jack Daniels which is pretty popular with what the national news media insultingly call ‘the bubba voter’ so order that when you do a shot and beer – it’ll look more authentic. (You could get style points for Wild Turkey or Jim Beam but let’s not make this complex.).

Actually I think the whole Bubba voter thing is just a mask so that the chattering heads in Washington can pretend that they aren’t racist-sexist no nothing bigots, it’s those sad sad little paroles who don’t know better poor dears.

Anyway getting back to HRC – she at this point isn’t quitting – but short of a Gov Spritzer style disaster happening to Obama it ain’t gonna happen – actually the Democratic Party in Oregon is hoping that she stays on for a couple of weeks because their votes haven’t ever counted before – so maybe it’ll do some good for them – and the rest of us can just wait until HRC wakes up.

It’s rather sad – here she was the first woman in the history of the US with a realistic chance at being president of the United States and now her memory is going to be of someone who in desperation starting saying ‘You know Obama’s a negro – bubbas won’t vote for Negros” or some such vairiaton on the fear of a black planet in order to win.

This is not a good way to be remembered.

As a final side note – the British have developed a type of trout that is not interested in sex – which fits so many stereotypes I can’t even being to think about them. (There was a play entitled “no sex please we’re British”.) What they have done to the poor fish is mess with their hormone levels so they never have the urge to breed. As a side effect this makes the fish easier to catch by fisherman because they keep on eating (a fish getting ready to breed stops eating). While I’m sure British anglers are please it seems cruel to do that to fish so they wander about depressed “I don’t know, life just doesn’t have a lot of meaning anymore…yeah I’ll have some more chips” eating out of habit.

And of course if the Anglers eat the fish won’t it also suppress the Angler’s sex drive? Of course in the case of the English there isn’t that much to suppress in the first place yes?

Peace Love Trout


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