Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Being on the Charts in Bolivia isn’t as big a deal as you think, the evil effect of Women's bare legs and Hurbis 101

Let me explain

Friday I was at a friend’s birthday party – she’s from Equator originally and she invited us all to a place that she knows – located on the next to last block on spring street before you fall into the Hudson River – it is a little place – really about the size and width of a subway car – probably bigger but it felt like that – they server Tapas and pitchers of Sangria and then about 11 they took the tables out and a started playing various Spanish style pop, salsa and what seemed like 35 other styles of music – each of which folks could instantly identify and each of which apparently has it’s own dance - several people tried to show me how to dance to this

It was quite a nice time actually – I didn’t get the sense of low level menace that you can get in some clubs (the ones where they pat you down for weapons for one – those make me nervous as hell) or the sullen bitter hostility to all things living you can get in some old folks dive bars – you didn’t feel like you make the wrong move or bump into the wrong person you were going to have a fight on your hand.

Anyway our group was at the far end of the place – after eating and what not we started hanging out - and trying (poorly) to dance to the music with the good natured help of my friends there – “no no you can’t just move one limb and your hips your hips” (which is more attention I’ve given to my hips in a long long time I have to say).

So the place was filling up people where having a good time the music while loud wasn’t so loud you couldn’t talk and it was just a nice time – one of my friends was taking pictures of everybody – he does that and yes there were a few embarrassing shots of me – I’m waiting to see them.

So after a bit it was time for another beer – I excused myself and started heading for the bar – not that simple a task as there were a lot of dancing people between me and the bar – and suddenly this guy grabs my arm.

“Yes?” I asked.

He said something I couldn’t quite make out but he was holding a camera so I figured he need someone to take a picture of his whole group – we’ve hat that problem at Met games and what not – there is always someone who isn’t in the picture because he or she is taking the picture.

But no – he wanted a picture taken we me.

“The hell?” I said.

One of his friends explained “He thinks you’re a singer from Bolivia”

“Did you tell him I’m not?”

“He’s drunk” his friend said – “he won’t listen”

So I got my picture taken – in the process of saying “I’m not him.” But to no avail – and to top it off it happened twice more as I went to the bar. I don’t know what he thought when he sobered up and you know you kind of rely on your buds to keep you from doing absurd things when you are under the influence – not this time.

Listen I’ve heard of Beer Goggles – but I’ve never heard of celebrity beer goggles.

And to top it off I surfed the net this weekend looking for Bolivian pop stars and singers and I’ll be damned if I can find a single that bears even the slightest resemblance to me.

Just weird.

And speaking of weird a Russian Psychologist has come out saying: Men become impotent because of women's low-cut dresses and bare legs.

It’s a bit hard to follow the logic here but his argument is that women by exposing these parts to men other than the ones they are going to sleep with make those other guys feel frustration and this frustration leads to impotence and prostate cancer. And other bad things.


I blame the long Russian Winters – there isn’t a lot to do really – so people either write long long novels or read them or just go barking mad like this guy has. I mean are legs with stockings okay?

And I’ve always wondered about the argument (he makes it here too) that masturbation will lead to impotence – which has always seemed to me like arguing that not lifting weights is the way to build up biceps.

Other notes – well another primary where Hilary afterwards will say the show must go on. I’m sorry but I’ve just about lost all respect for the woman – I’ve always judged a politician by the issues they are willing to lose elections for – alas I have to say for Hilary there are no issues she’s willing to take a loss over and there is nothing she isn’t willing to do to win. Good luck living with that.

In other insane news – an English newspaper has revealed details of a planned golf course, shopping center and amusement park – that in as of itself isn’t that insane – if not very wise idea right now with money tight and what not – the insane bit is that these projects are planned for the Green Zone in Baghdad.

They are planning on spending something like Five billion dollars (some of it our money yes) on this madness.

I think the plans should be made part of a permanent exhibit on Hubris in the Smithsonian.

Well work calls

that's Anne Francis from Frobidden Planet. If you're gonna have bare legs do it right. Robby the Robot is a bounus.

Peace Love bare legs


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