Thursday, April 17, 2008

Debate nonsense and the Devil Girl

I did not see the debate but per some folks on the sphere who watched it (and bless them for subjecting their poor tiny brains to that gibberish) it was an atrocity with the press coming off as the maximum stupid. Obama per the conventional wisdom came off badly as he ‘sounded annoyed’ about questions about why he doesn’t wear a flag pin, why he hasn’t shot the pastor of his church and the crooked Chicago councilman, and the guy from the weather underground, with why he is such an out of touch elitist. At least they didn’t ask him why he has such a foreign sounding name – or maybe they did.

This is what the courtiers of the press are thinking about when Iraq continues to be a bloody mess, the economy is shedding gears (yesterday’s jump in the market is only a sign that nobody is more gullible than wall street – it’s also a sign of bear markets that people grasp at good news) with housing starts collapsing, the sale of new houses the one thing that has been keeping this house of cards going mired in doldrums that will take months if not years to recover from, problems with trade, jobs, a sitting president making lunatic statements about Iran (when he’s not kissing the pope’s butt – and what the hell is with that? I mean respect sure but this is overboard) and still trying to NOT do anything about climate change, along with the hideous news that the White House okayed Torture – and this is the shit that is on the minds of the reporters.

While is a truism that there isn’t much difference between the two – there are some and if these guys had done any damn homework they would have known them (especially with regard to health care – and it wouldn’t hurt to ask them about their feeling on regulation of financial companies considering McCain’s grand plan seems to be a) cut more taxes and b) let the folks that got us into this mess in the first place free reign.

Well why not – it’s not like that policy has been a real disaster – at least not for anyone important.

Anyway – before I blow a gasket and start sharpening up a pike all the time trying to decide who’s head should be stuck there –(I mean that would be a tough decision – all those people and only one head to take, better not think too much of that.) on to other matters.

Saw a few minutes last night of a old film I like very much “the loved one” which is a 1965 black comedy about death and funerals in LA – while I know now that it’s a common complaint about Hollywood from the right wing that it hates America – which it doesn’t, maybe if it thought about America for more than 30 seconds it would hate America but Hollywood thinks only about money and itself – but back in the mid 60’s a series of films came out – that if they were released to day would cause a firestorm – The Loved One, Lord Love a Duck and A Thousand Clowns – each pictures America as a horrible inhuman paranoid profoundly stupid place filled with loud dumb people and timid fools all obsessed with trivia and fame.

The very first scene in The Loved One the Male lead arrives from England where he is questioned by the security guard looking at his passport – upon learning that the lead is a poet the guard starts looking for his name in the big binder book containing the undesirables (all the time commenting on the damn beats and the male lead’s ‘Beatle haircut.) So it struck me that actually most of the 20th and 21st century we’ve been just like we are now – ignorant paranoid lunatics with only rare breaks in the madness – maybe the 20/s and the 60’s. It was a depressing thought.

Anyway the film world also notes the death of Hazel Court (pictured) who was in several British sci-fi and horror films – among the good ones – The Masque of the Red Death and The Raven and among the bad ones – The Devil Girl from mars.

She did not play the Devil Girl, she was the female lead in that clunker. In that film an alien from mars dressed like a B&D mistress and armed with what looks like a walking walk in freezer lands in Scotland to find men to take back to mars. There is a shortage of men on Mars and her mission is to take back men and have the make Martian babies with the Martian ladies.

Why Scotland – other than to keep the number in the cast down there isn’t much of a reason – I think they say the ship when off course somehow – but really why didn’t the woman just land in Florida or cancoon during spring break – she’d have had to use her walking freezer to fight them off . Of course nowadays she would have landed in Nigeria and had people apply via e-mail – ‘you have been selected to mate with Martian woman please supply us with your name address and bank account numbers so we can send you the cash prize.’

And so on – but she picks Scotland – the one place in the world where the men are more repressed and sexless than in England .

It’s weird and it’s bad and it’s slow and based on a stage play.

Well other things to do

Peace Love Devil Girls.


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