Friday, May 02, 2008

This and that and a busy guy

It comes down to these things:

We have to get the fuck out of Iraq.

We have to do something about our consumption of fossil fuel the high cost of with is partially due to our being Iraq and partially due to outside factors

The economy, which as based on credit given to people to buy hones so that they can – as the price of their home increases – take a loan out on that – is chugging to a halt with some pretty indicators that this time it’s going to be more serious than a one year 18 month slowdown and we really don’t know just how weak the financial system is.

We have a health care system so utterly out of whack that now the insurance companies (remember the ones who helped set this mess up) are losing money as people just opt out of coverage and pray that their health stays good – the ultimate in faith based care.

Long term the change to the global climate is going to bring massive changes to how we live and where – it’s an enormously complex problem that no matter what we do it will have huge impacts on the future.

And there also Osama Ben Laden who did some bad stuff a while ago he’s still out and about.

So of course let’s focus on stuff like the Revered Wright that’s what’s important – excuse me I have to bang my head for a bit. Be right back.

At least until the Next missing blonde.

It’s this kind of thing that makes me want to spend a weekend banging my head against a desk. Hard.

Meantime W has stood in front of the cameras and said there is no recession and the economy is robust – of course meaning neither is true – not just because the man lies the way normal people breathe it’s the iron law of public reassurance – if we weren’t in a recession and the economy was actually robust it would be a self evident truth – you don’t have to say sunny days are nice an warm – normal human beings can see and feel that – it’s when it’s dark and pouring rain that you have to explain that this is an illusion and if you go out you’ll need your sun screen.

Amway –before I do that I’m looking forward to trying to see Iron Man this weekend – I’m told there is a stinger at the end of the credits – amazing how common that bit has become. Probably because the credits are so long now (especially when dealing special effect heavy films like Iron Man) you have to reward folks for sticking around yes?

Listening to Trout Mask Replica – Captain Beefheart and his magic band – yep about as bizarre as you would imagine – the Captain I find is best in small doses – over time the music starts to meld together and then the verbal wildness loses its sting.

Looking at the news – per AP a Japanese government employee was demoted for logging 780,000 hits on porn sites – while at work – in one month July he had 170,000 hits – that’s pretty crazy – let’s just say July has 4 working weeks of 5 days each – 20 days – that’s. 8,500 hits a DAY – assuming an 8 hour day – that’s over a 1,000 hits an hour. What he did at home is not reported.

That’s Shakria figured take a break from Diana Rigg yes?

Peace love chapped hands


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