Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Beltway Chatter and our CD!

Quiet at the office today – and yet not in the mood to get anything at all done. Spring I guess. It’s bright and sunny and I want more.

I notice that after much talk about how much better Iraq is – it seems that it’s not that much better.

One of the good, if painful, things that Obama’s candidacy has revealed is the not so latent racism that lurks in the corridors of power. A GOP member of the House of Representatives said he didn’t want “that boy’s” finger on the button – which well he’s from the south they really can’t help themselves sometimes the poor dears. While this has sparked an outcry – I’m sure Obama has been called worse.

Meantime the press seems absolutely utterly convinced that the bitter comment will be forever linked with Obama. At least if they have anything to do about it. And they are surely working as hard as they can.

I can’t tell you just how insane this feels – we have a war, a hideously corrupt and lawless executive office that freely admits to spying on Americans and torturing people it doesn’t like, a tottering economy, and deep structural problems like the Climate, our country's rotting infrastructure, the pernicious effects of the increasing concentration of wealth in the upper 5% and this claptrap along with bowling is what the press talk about.

And now the bitter thing isn’t even about what Obama SAID – it’s all about a weird caricature created by the chatterers “isn’t horrible that Obama said that the heartland is bitter” they said” Yes it is horrible” “yes he has proven he is so out of touch” “yes and he bowls poorly too.”

This is they aren’t giving John McCain doughnuts and coffee.

Sometimes you just despair – and sometimes you wonder what is keeping Madam Defarge and the guillotine.

“I don’t understand why they stormed the Bastille – it’s a real mistake that the Sans-culottes have made here.”
“Yes their racialism is surely off putting to the vast majority of Frenchmen.”
“Yes I don’t understand why they hate France so – they are out of touch with the everyday wine and cheese French man.”
“It’s really Louis bashing hysteria.”
“A kind of mental condition.”
“Yes at least that’s what it seems to me. I was talking about this with my footman and he finds much of what they say far out of the mainstream.”
“Indeed. What? Oh. I understand there is a huge angry mob outside the studio so we’re going to cut to commercial and then run for out lives.”

Ah nightmares and vengeance fantasies.

Meantime Joe Lieberman said, on fucking television no less, that asking if Obama was a Marxist was a good question, and while he backed off on calling Obama a Marxist, that hasn’t stopped the rest of the chatters. Considering that Obama campaigned for Lieberman this is pretty dirty pool on Joes part but hell he’s trying to become McCain’s running mate – which I don’t think John is going to buy – even though he’s the one person in DC who makes John look young.

The CD has arrived at Bob Muir and the Enemy Below HQ’s and I’m damn impressed – I can listen to it more than once without cringing at my voice – that’s something I have to tell you.

And lord does the band sound good. Like real good – considering we did most of the recording in two days – we sound fantastic – just amazing really. Looking forward to the cd release and the gig there. We really like the Luna a lot. While we had played elsewhere before – the first Luna gig gave us a real sense of just how good this band can be and where it could go.

Need to get some stuff done.
Ms. Rigg - it's been a while.

Peace Love CDs!


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