Friday, April 25, 2008

This and that and sad kitty pic

Among the things that make me doubt the existence of a supreme being – or least the existence of a benevolent supreme being are things like discovering that Uwe Boll is making yet another film – I mean if there was any real damn karma in the world he would be saying “welcome to McDonald’s may I take your order” in Hamburg somewhere (to be fair the German McDonald’s are a little more interesting that ours – they have beer. But being in Germany they would have to in order to compete yes?)

It is this kind of thing that makes my head explode – there are bums drinking sterno that would make a better movie than this clown – and there are no shortage of talented ambitions and hungry would be directors in the world – toiling away at other jobs waiting for their break – perhaps they wouldn’t do better than Boll but lord in heaven it would take someone who combined the brutal nastiness of Frances Coleman with the utter technical ineptness of Ed Wood , with a bit of the ego of Phil Tucker tossed in to do any worse.

It’s like watching your baseball team limp to the end another rotten year – then watch in horror as the owners higher another utterly clueless nitwit as manager simply because he had managed in the big leagues before.

I mean where’s the sense in that? If all he’s done before is mange to lead say the Kansas City Royals and the Pittsburgh Pirates to 90+ loss seasons who the heck would willing take him on.

But all you hear is “at least he has managed in the big leagues”

But not well – again how much worse could someone who didn’t do?


It’s Friday and it’s pretty out and I’m in a windowless cube and that’s making me grumpy.

Meantime – well the primaries roll on and on and on – and I’m getting more depressed – I noticed on one board a ‘senior Clinton strategist’ was talking to a news paper or some magazine claiming that Obama was the one ‘playing the race card’.

Okay – this is a classic attempt to toss sand in people’s eyes by accusing your opponent of being the one doing the wrong thing – witness the ‘liberals are the real racists’ you keep hearing form sobs like Limbaugh (who is disgracing himself in saying he wants riots in the streets in Denver because he thinks that’ll mean McCain will win or something – his thought patterns are not really worth following) during Martin Luther King day.

Frankly if the Clinton campaign wasn’t playing the race card they wouldn’t be talking about the race card – simple as that. It’s like W going around saying there isn’t a recession. He saying it because there is one (and it’s ongoing and we still haven’t reached bottom yet – there are land mines galore in that mess of mortgage loans).

Meantime – with the unerring instinct of worrying about the least important thing in the world – One congressman and some of the right wing chattering heads/bloggers are now upset that the troops can buy copies of playboy and penthouse at Army PX.

Excuse me I have to go hit my head against something.

I’m back. Nope didn’t work. Need to do that more.

Now that’s okay. well not really but it will have to do.

Sweet Jesus on a stick – these are utterly utterly useless human beings – well not entirely they do provide carbon Dioxide for plants to use but that’s abut it.

These guys are getting shot at – or dealing with ied’s and other booby traps every damn day – and a lot of them are snapping under the strain but that’s not a problem – seeing a naked boob well that is a problem.

By the by I was switching around the TV the other day and for a few moments watched a show about booby traps on the Military channel – it was kind interesting – Booby traps really came into their own in the 20th century – but something pissed me off. There was this fat pink guy in a suit (why are they always that? You wonder) who was mouthing off about the traps and saying ‘it’s a weapon of the weak’ with a clear sneer. I mean wft? One of the most prolific users of booby traps was the wermacht in 1944-45 while they were retreating – The Wermarcht was a lot of things – but weak it wasn’t.

I suppose it’s just that guerrillas and the like use them a lot (I remember reading that a large number of casualties in Viet nam were due to booby traps) which again points up the different views of warfare –the western tradition is face to face slug it out and finish it – other cultures not so much so you’ll hear how comments about cowardly tactics and weak and the like.

Well let’s let that go.

Anyway I also read that someone wants to build a theme park in Iraq. Great it’ll be the only theme park in the world were people wait on line for the roller coaster in slit trenches.

Peace Love Sad Kitty


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