Monday, April 28, 2008

Grumpy Monday and the danger of Barbie Dolls

Rainy days and what not –

Not much happening here at world Headquarters – things however look to get busy soon as we being to pimp the band like nobody’s business. I mean I know by the time we get to the actual show we will have lost all common sense and humanity and will think nothing of doing things like:

“Thank you for saving my dog”
“Not a problem madam – by the way our band is having their cd launch party on May 31st”
“Oh I’d love too but it’s my sister’s birthday.”
“Listen lady without my help the dogs a spot of truck tire. Be at the show.”

“Sorry to hear about your loss”
“Why thank you.”
“You know what would get your mind off this, comedy that’s what. By the way our band is having”

“Wonderful collection of china”
“Why thank you.”
“Be a shame if something was to happen to it.”

Sorry rainy days bring out the mean in me I guess. It’s days like this were I have to try and keep my mouth shut – per the enemy below and Insect girl my voice carries even when I don’t think so when I’m in this mood, I have to keep a lid on comments like

“It takes a battleship less time to get out of a harbor” when stand in the CVS pharmacy line who, after the purchase is made slowly and deliberately puts the coins into a special pocket of the wallet, arranges their purchase – puts the bag inside another bag and then waits I guess until the brain recharges enough to get the legs to move.

“Please move like your life has a point.” – said to folks a) walking so slowly you want to punch them in the back of the head because they are in the way and b) also managing to weave from side to side like a slow race car trying not to get passed to the point where the only way to get past them is to blow past them like free safety trying to get to the quarterback.

So I note with great gloom that McCain short of strangling a puppy before each speech will get a free ride from the press because he feeds them and Obama will have by the end of the election to be denouncing the territorial desires of Shaka Zulu. It’s would be depressing enough but guys we really have serious issues to deal with – can we lay off the orange juice bowling his preacher said things that made me uncomfortable stuff.

Well enough – the film Nude for Satan has arrived from Minnesota and I intend to watch that this evening – I desperately need some bad euro-sleaze to get me out of this mood.

A couple of things from the passing parade – some nitwit in Iran is warning against the import of Barbie dolls into his country – citing it as an example of increasing westernization or some such. Change a few words around and he sounded just like some folks over here warning about islamofacism. But frankly blue jeans rock and roll and toys are a hell of lot more effective than bombs in dealing with these folks.

And in another story that reminds people that Florida is now the lunatic capital of the united states – the Florida Legislature is considering a ban on the display of fake bull testicles on trucks which is per the report is a trendy accessory on trucks – I guess it goes with the naked women mud flaps or something. Couple of things.

1) People who put plastic replicas of bull testicles on the back of their truck are so obviously overcompensating that it’s not funny and 2) doesn’t the Florida legislature have better things to do with their time?

Ah well. Tomorrow will be better (I hope)

Peace Love Barbie dolls.


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