Monday, April 21, 2008

The stupid and insane continue

This is a real – book – not published by any mainstream company but still that this kind of gibberish can exist out there depresses me beyond words - the sad truth is that cranks are going to be with us always and forever. And the internet alas has given them a new way to reach people – god help us.

As a side note I remember many years ago reading Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke – the book’s story is that Aliens – who look almost exactly like popular representations of the devil – have taken over the earth because human kind is about to make an evolutionary leap that if not overseen could lead to disaster.

Anyway part of the background of the story is how the Aliens gradually over came human resistance – mostly per Mr. Clarke by a combination of waiting them out and rational discourse.

I think you can see the problem I had with this.

As part of the Alien’s efforts – they gave humanity a time machine – where – like a TV set historians could see (with some exceptions) all of earth’s human history – per Clarke this lead to a decline in religion since the truth of the origin of the great religions didn’t live up to their billing.

Never happen – not in a million years. Hell we have people who still to this very day insist that the world was created in 6 24 days and is less than 6,000 years old – which hasn’t been the scientific consensus of the day since the 1700’s – despite mounds of evidence and facts to the contrary.

And really – even if the alien time machine showed Christ dying on the cross and not coming back – remember this would be shown to us by something that looked like the devil – well known as the father of lies – that would be enough to give anybody pause. And forget Islam – there is a massive probation on showing the image of Islam’s founder – again the sense of sacrilege would over come any chance of a change.

Per Buddhism – well since most of what happened to the Buddha under the tree where he obtained enlightenment was internal – there wouldn’t be much to show anyway, just a guy sitting under a tree. No real reason to change there is there?

Anyway – getting back to the anti-wacking off book – the web site has a FAQ bit which has moments of unintentional berserk weirdness.

“I have heard that Masturbation is harmful for health and that it brings specific side effects like: impotence, seminal weakness, cancer of all types, thinning hair and hair loss, fuzzy vision, groin and testicular pain, fatigue and feeling tired all the time. What is the real truth about these alleged side-effects of Masturbation?”

Sweet savior on a stick these people are crazy as an outhouse rat. This is a list out of a 19th century tract.

Cancer of ALL types? I got nothing.

They reply thus:

“These claims are not exactly correct. As we explain in the Stop Masturbation Program, shukra is the food of the body’s hormonal and immune system. So the side effects can be anything of the above depending on the person’s current immune system strength”

Shukra is the name of a Hindu deity in charge of brightness or some such not a hormone – I assume they go into greater detail in the book which I will not buy as much as it might amuse me to use it as a prop in a video.

There is also this:

Do I need special equipment?

Huh? Like what a special spiked cage for Mr. happy (they had such things in the Victorian era). You don’t need any special equipment to jack off other than a willing right or left hand – hell you don’t even need baby oil.

I can’t get these people – at all. But I don’t get a lot of people.

In other notes – tomorrow is the PA primary and we’ll see what happens. I’d like very much for Obama to do well and finally close the deal on the nomination – but I’m afraid that won’t happen and it will drag out to the convention and the floor fight over the delegates from MI and Florida (which just happen to have Clinton delegates – because Obama didn’t run in either because the DNC said the delegates wouldn’t have a vote at the convention) which will just wreck the whole damn thing.

Had a nice weekend – had an unexpected Friday off – went to the Met saw the Gustave Courbet exhibit – (that’s his picture above – he looks a bit like Buster Keaton to me for some reason – I might use this as my blogger id pic I kind of like it). After that I walked to 59th’s though the park where New Yorkers indulged in the New Yorker’s spring worship ceremony – go to the park take as many clothes off as you can without the cops getting upset and laying on a blanket. I thought I was going to go snow-blind from the glare coming off so much exposed pale white flesh. It was a good day.

Well back to the mines.

Peace Love Snow-blind -


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