Thursday, April 24, 2008

Some Days

You just want to disguise yourself as a coke machine and hide for a while. (check the feet sticking out)

Yes that’s real - apparently in Japan people are a) scared a lot and b) think whoever is after them is really really stupid – it could be a result of all those video games.

But I read dangerous and worrisome things in the news – that aside from all the other problems facing this country all of sudden people are worried about food supplies –there have some scary runs on staples (rice mostly) in places like Costco and Walmarts .

Where there isn’t a shortage here (except maybe rye flour it seems) a) prices of food keep going up and b) there are shortages elsewhere and considering how screwed up everything else is it won’t take much to get people to start stocking up on canned goods and staples like rice.

The rye flour shortage is a result of the bio fuel deal – folks are planting corn instead of wheat because the price is better – one thing it seem ethanol destroys motor oil leading to well things like engine seizures and expensive engine block repair. Great the only alternative to oil this disgrace of government puts major money in is worse than the problem – almost like they planed that.

Which they may have – while I wouldn’t trust W to lead me out of a room with only one door – Dick Cheney has the kind of mind that would do that “Alternative fuels – I’ll show ‘em – all hail king oil!”

Meantime – a Brazilian priest who was trying to set the record for the longest flight by a man tied to 100’s of party balloons is believed lost at sea – I don’t have anything really to add here – the stupid boggles my mind – a) that someone would do this and b) it’s been done before – seeing as there is a world record.

Meantime – some 15 monkeys have escaped from a facility in Florida – this is why Florida makes me nervous – bad enough all the lunatics who live there but you have the chance of turning a corner and being confronted by horde of savage monkeys – the press report says they are no harm to humans but these are the same folks who didn’t think the would escape their home on an island because they didn’t know how to swim so I’d take what they say with a grain of salt.

And last meantime – The producers of Expelled – the Intelligent Design “documentary’ are being sued for their use of John Lennon’s song Imagine by Yoko Ono. They wanted to use the song but knew Yoko would say no so they just did it anyway (which is kind of par for the course for the producers of this flick – they have indulged in several edge of the envelope tactics while making the film – including not telling folks that it was a pro intelligent design work.).

They are relying on a fair use defense which is a pretty slender reed to lean on – true they say their lawyer said it was okay to do this but it is fair to assume that their lawyer came from one of those Fundy-run Law school mills that have supplied the department of justice with so many sub-par personnel.

Honestly I can’t imagine anything that would make Yoko angrier – she has devoted her life to John’s Legacy, that legacy is also a commercial property worth millions and she personally has little truck with the kind of folks who did this film.

Frankly by the time Yoko’s lawyers finish with them I think they would rather have had their testicles crushed one at time by a ball peen hammer wielding lunatic, then have them fed to the squirrels. But they brought it on themselves – I mean a pissed of Yoko Ono is something to be very afraid off – the last time she got really angry she broke up the Beatles.

Well that’s it for today.

Peace Love Hiding from Lunatics with ball peen hammers.


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