Monday, April 14, 2008

An okay gig, a Shop and Monday thoughts

Had an okay gig last night – wasn’t the best we every played but we were still the best band in the house. I let myself get distracted a bit more than I should have by business affairs and that the woman running the door was a complete Jerk and nasty to boot.

We also wandered into a real no bull shit bondage outfit shop which – although amusing on some level – leather and vinyl corsets and boots - also creeped me out a bit – mostly the people running the shop – there were heavy weird damn vibes running off of them – which I guess is to be expected.

Honestly I just feel the whole bondage thing involves a heck of a lot of work to accomplish the goal – not that it’s wrong if two or more consenting adults want to get into this (and the existence of this shop shows there are more than six people into this) go for it – still it looks like a lot of effort (and I wonder about the upkeep cleaning the stuff and what not – this isn’t the kind of stuff you want your drycleaner to see.

Meantime while I wasn’t looking – Obama seems to have broken the one rule you can’t break while running for president – speak the truth. In talking about Pennsylvania he mentioned that folks there were bitter.

I’m not sure why all the hoo ha here – with survey’s showing that 81% of the population thing things are not going well, with consumer confidence at an all time low – one assumes that a few folks are going to be bitter – some maybe even mad as hell.

After news of this came out – the village went into its hysterical clutching pearls and staggering towards the fainting couch all the while shouting that Obama was an ‘elitist’ and out of touch with working class Americans.

Now most of this shouting was done by pink white men in suits who the last time they talked to someone making less than 60,000 a year was either telling the limo driver what airport they were going to or yelling at the makeup person.

I haven’t see a lot of it but there was a scene in the cable series John Adams where he has just arrived in France and after being treated like an imbecile by Ben Franklin – dines at one of the many Salons or what not in Versailles and finds himself surrounded by the cream of the French aristocracy – who look like death in their white face paint and endures a series of fatuous questions by folks who are not looking for answers but seeking to gain praise among their own for their questions.

And this is what we have now fat pink well feed men and women talking in low tones about Obama’s bitter remark this mind you in a week where the president of the united states has admitted that he authorized the torture of prisoners, where the news from Iraq got worse and the president said he was going to leave the solution to the next guy, where war drums – this time about Iran were being beaten again by the same bastards that gave us Iraq – where the economy was starting to shed jobs whole sale – this this is what the coverage was focused on – was Obama being condescending and elitist by saying folks were bitter.

I for one can understand Fox news doing this – it’s their damn job as the media wing of the gop – but it killed me to see Hilary try and run with this – it was a painful reminder of how far she has fallen – she has nothing positive to say anymore just trying to score points off of what is an invented outrage. Torture she doesn’t say a word about. This she does.

And if anything her comments about how she has never seen anybody bitter in PA came across as amazingly condescending – it had the “I see the happy peasants working in the field and I hear their songs at night and know we all hope for a better tomorrow.” It just seemed rank with narcissistic self congratulations.

I remember back at the start of this campaign – one of the first questions out of the mouth of I think Tim Russet to the assembled GOP midgets running for office was ‘how to recapture the optimism of Ronald Reagan’.

It’s this fetishism of optimism that simply boggles my mind – especially when it is used as a screen to avoid seeing the mountain of problems facing us in the coming years. It’s not an optimism that we can solve problems – it’s a denial that the problems exist in the first place.

But what really disturbs me is that after W said that yes he did authorize torture the response from these same pink folks so concerned about the feelings of poor folks was nothing. A shrug of the shoulders. One commentator writing about Chris Matthews currently the cover boy of self indulgent pundit class called Keith Oberman cynical which is jabbering nonsense – Oberman isn’t cynical he’s outraged – the cynics are the ones jabbering about bitterness and that Obama is weird because he drinks orange juice (instead of what? Gin?).

Sometimes I get the awful sense that we’re just doomed – all of us – because all of us are guilty of this atrocity either by action or silence.

Well I think that’s enough gloom for a Monday

Peace love cute kittens.


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