Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Fever, My Stuff, and a Sequel

Feeling a lot o spring fever just now – it’s warm and I’m sleepy and just want to sit somewhere it’s sunny and bit warm – watch people play in the sun and doze off until it’s time for me to go home and nap – alas I won’t really be able to indulge my inner indolence much – one I’m trying to keep at the gym, two we have rehearsal Saturday and a gig Sunday and well my apt is all cluttered (and it looks like it won't be sunny either).

I really have to toss stuff – bite bullet and get rid of the vhs tapes I have – I haven’t watched one in months now – of course now that I think about it I start to get like weird panic attacks inside my head . I’m sure it’s the same for other clutter bugs – you don’t want to make a mistake tossing something so you keep it – though why you are keeping it is only not to feel that you are making a mistake tossing it. Why for me that reason is stronger than the feeling I’m making a mistake holding on to them is beyond me.

The emotion reminds me of a story my dad told – in his younger days he worked doing advertising for GE – back when GE had their own advertising agency and even radio station – this was before Jack Welsh decided that the money could be put to much better use by giving it to Jack Welsh – He was one of the first CEO’s that turned running a company into something more like an episode of supermarket scramble where you dashed about with a shopping cart stuffing as many things into the basket before your time ran out – that Jack didn’t manage to destroy GE in the process was simply because he was the first one to do this – those who came after him learned from his example.

Anyway my dad had written a sales brochure for use with a GE industrial product and by bad luck they were shipped to the wrong warehouse. When dad found out where they were he called the head of the warehouse and had the following conversation.

“So you have the brochures?”
“So can you send them to X (the other warehouse)?”
“No I can’t.”
“Why not?”
‘Because then I wouldn’t have any.”
“But you’re not supposed to have any anyway they’re for someone else.”
“But if I send them there I won’t have any.”

My dad – who was never a patient man – ended the call and started going up the ladder – it took him a surprisingly long time to find someone who could tell the Warehouse guy to send the brochures to X.

The point of that pointless drivel is that I’m got a little warehouse manager like that guy in my head that worries about me tossing my VHS copy of the Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (I have a DVD as well – and I think you can get this over the web as well now).

It’s sheer madness.

Speaking of which – Hobgoblins 2 is apparently done and ready for direct to video release. I really shouldn’t fuss much – with all the madness in the world that there is that Rick Sloane got money to do another film is a pretty minor outrage – of course there is the minor personal nit that I can’t get Bikini Zombies (or it’s sequel – Bikini Vampires) made – but Rick Slaone keeps making films. It’s a dark and mysterious world in many ways.

On a bad note re Iraq

Nobody is going home.

That’s the message from the White House. If you don’t get killed or wounded during this tour (15 months - not 12 like the geek said – that will only apply to troops that come into country in August and well that’s a long time from now) we’ll ship you back again until you do get killed or wounded.

It’s a pretty nasty world out there – all the more reason to nap.

Peace love Hobgbolins


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