Friday, May 09, 2008

Short post on nothing much except maybe soccer

Well it’s raining – it’s chilly – a damp chill that I personally hate – the Speed Racer film is getting bad reviews –which you had to expect – what the hell were they thinking here? Who was waiting for this film – look I was a freaking Kid like in grade school when the original cartoon – which featured pretty damn cheap animation even by Japanese kid television standards – and I remember hating the kid and the ape in a ‘I want them to die horribly way’ even then. Really it’s just weird that’s all. What’s next a gigantor movie?

This is going to be very short because I’ve stuff on my plate right now to deal with at work and well – it’s gloomy day and I don’t feel much like writing much.

Good rehearsal last night – it was funny our drummer the dude got the first taste of just how things work at the creative end of the band as I took one line someone said and off I went. – we had been noting all our songs are about indoor activities really and Trafalgar suggested maybe we do a soccer ballad.

That was it and off I went – jabbering on about wearing the wrong kit in the wrong place – we’ll see if it manages to be a real song – the interesting thing was the dude after I came to an end (joke about Boca Jr.s and River Plate) he asked when I had written that.

“he just made it up.” The Enemy Below said.

“well write it down.” The Dude said.

Which I did – kind of – I have a pretty much illegible high speed scribble that I do when I’m trying to get something down – I’ve given up on getting it word for word and just try and get memory aides on the paper.

It’s a weird thing doing that – it just kinda comes out really with out any real conscious thought on my part – indeed any attempt to control makes the flow dry up pretty quick.

The thing that always strikes me is just how egoless the process is. The “I” that orders lunch works, even writes in the blog is not really present at these moments. It’s hard to really describe this accurately.

Well I said this would be short – things to do – good weekend everyone.

Peace Love Soccer Ballads


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