Thursday, May 15, 2008

The President's Golf games and other horrors

I’m not sure who coined the phrase ‘the banality of evil’ – while it’s more about how horrible things in history have been carried out by just average normal people who were just going along with the way things were – the phrase came to mind as we were treated to the surreal mind boggling madness of W saying that he had given up Golf because of the war and then it coming out that he had lied about it.

I don’t have words to express how appalling this is. It’s a horrifying glimpse into the mindless shallow self involved narcisstic center of the man-child that lives in the White House. The reason he gave for giving up golf was that ‘it wouldn’t look right” for him to be playing golf while people were getting killed – this from the same man who urged us to go shopping after 9/11. The story he gave was that back in August of 2003 he was pulled from the golf course by some bad news so he said that he realized it wouldn’t look right for him to be playing golf during war time.

War time. right. It’s not war time, not for us, not for him. The only people it’s really war time for are the poor bastards who are getting shot at over there or who are waiting their turn to go back and get shot at. For them it’s war time – for the rest of us, not so much.

Anyway it turned out to be an utter lie as several diligent folks did some Google stuff and found he was playing golf in October of 2003 – he has since stopped but the reason could be the tears in his ligaments which made him give up running and take up bicycle riding (which he’s rather poor at).

It’s pathetic and infuriating to watch him try and puff up the notion that he gives a damn about anybody else except himself with this junk – those of us with memories can also recall that he was loudly trumpeting that he was giving up sweets as the troops invaded Iraq – only to be sucking down butterscotch candies a few weeks later while on Air Force One.

This is what a 7 year old imagines sacrifice to be; not a damn grown person, but he isn’t a grown person. He’s s bloody nightmare.

Meantime – today over in Israel he gave a speech where is compared Iran to Nazi Germany and the folks who want to maybe not bomb Iran on gut instinct as appeasers.

As someone noted for some people it’s always 1938 and each new threat is the rebirth of Hitler. Frankly if a nation of 71 million that spends 1% of what we do on defense is that great a threat we probably should surrender now before they spend say 3% of what we spend on defense and get the best terms we can.

Meantime the Pentagon has released – dumped really – a huge amounts of documents regarding their packing the air waves with their tame claps prior to and after the invasion of Iraq. The dump includes some chilling e-mails and transcripts of discussions of how (after 2006) they felt another terrorist attack on the US would be GOOD thing.

Meantime – meantime meantime – the – ah the hell with it, the madness just flows on an on with now some folks trying to float the idea that not liking Obama because of the color of his skin isn’t really racist – it leaves what is racist rather undefined but so what. As long as they can manage to say I won’t vote for a black man because he is a black man and not feel like a bigot that’s the important thing.

I’m going to stop now – my head hurts. I’m going to play loud music for a while that might help some.

Peace Love Stick your damn golf club where the sun doesn’t shine.


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