Monday, May 12, 2008

Cold Monday Thoughts.

It’s a gloomy rainy damn cold day in May – you can kind of deal a bit with this weather when it’s in November – you think about thanksgiving and turkey and fireplaces and hot toddy’s and what not - however – it’s freaking May – Dominos’ free iced coffee day is this week – the stores are filled with mannequins wearing bathing suits – it’s just not the right ambiance to deal with wind blowing cold rain straight into your face.

Meantime – Hillary is not conceding a thing – like reality and she vows to continue on. while I do worry about the long term effects of this and I dead the upcoming floor fight that will happen if Hilary still doesn’t quit before then I’m somewhat mollified by the notion that McCain really is batshit crazy (bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran, stay in Iraq 100 years) and has vowed to follow each and every one of W’s polices if he is elected. Despite the media’s vigorous burnishing of McCain’s Maverick image (wax on, wax off) and of course their ongoing attempt to paint Obama as the scary negro full of resentment the current situation (war, the economy, the vast sense we are utterly off the track) makes votes (who be remarkably shrewd when their own interests are at stake) less vulnerable to this kind of beltway media gibberish.

However I’d like to say that can we stop painting folks in states like West Virginia as just ignorant hicks? There was one quote from one nimrod in West Virginia about how Obama is really a Muslim bad guy – and this gets turned into the conventional wisdom about every single person in West Virginia – which of course isn’t bloody true. Of course there are bigots in West Virginia but I could go into a bar in New York I would hear the same bs. (You just need to find the right –or wrong – bar).

Anyway the band is getting psyched for the CD release – in my case getting psyched means losing my mind a bit – I’ll get it back but in the interim I’m presented with one of those stupid problems that neurotic people get – how to deal with good things. I can handle disasters with little sweat but give me good things and I start looking for lightning bolts to shoot out of the sky.

I remember listening years and years and years ago to side Three of Roxy and Elsewhere by Frank Zappa and the Napoleon Murphy Brock era Mothers of Invention on that side they seamlessly went from Cheepnis to Son of Orange county to More trouble everyday (some of it was editing but not much the band was that tight) and thinking one day I’ll like to be in a bad that good – well right now I think I am and of course part of me is petrified that things are therefore going to go massively massively wrong – any second now.

Just how exactly isn’t clear since this isn’t a rational result of examining the situation – it’s some kind of yammering imprint left over from younger days – actually not necessarily from my parents – there lots of folks in my youth trying to pour this kind of garbage into my head – if memory served it pretty much stretched around the block.

Anyway while I have tickets to the Mets tonight I am pretty sure I’m blowing this off – it’s going to be 45 with a 30 mph wind and if we’re really lucky a cold cold rain as well. Now I’d be there if it was against say Atlanta or Philly but to watch the Mets #5 starter against the last palace team in the division – and freeze to death. No thanks.

Peace Love waiting for warm summer nights


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