Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Polar Bears and Mad Cows

Sometimes you just have to give up.

You can’t keep on being outraged you can’t keep on being shocked – your nervous system won’t be able to take it and you’ll burn yourself out and find yourself staring at the City Cable Channel that shows the traffic at various spots and wondering ‘what are all these people doing out on the road at this time of night? Don’t they have homes and things to do?” while of course they are thinking – “ah the lure of the open road the middle of the night – what freedom I have compared to the brain dead who are sitting on their couches watching the traffic on the TV. This, this is what it’s all about.”

Or something like that.

Anyway a couple of news stories that caught my eye have me deeply depressed – one there is furious debate on putting Polar Bears on the endangered list. There is of course the stated reason for this and the real reason. The stated reason not to put Polar Bears on the endangered list is that there are lots of bears – the real reason is that bears being on the engendered list will interfere with the oil companies raping the Alaskan Wildlife Reserve and then making money – which god knows is the only good reason to do anything. Never mind that the amount of oil in the AWR won’t really have an impact on prices not only anytime soon but ever.

And you have to wonder why the oil companies are so hot to drill AWR. Is the AWR the only place left in the Entire world where there is oil that isn’t being drilled? If it is we are dealing with a problem a lot larger than $4.00 a gallon gas. Or is it just there the oil companies know (once they dispose of those pesky environmental regulations and what not they will be able to buy the land from the Federal Government for pennies an acre ensuring very large profits compared to other sites where they’ll have to pay market value for the oil rights, and maybe even gasp share the money with others.

And you know money is more important than anything.

This brings us to another strange case where the federal government is trying to prevent a meat plant from inspecting the spines of the dead cows for evidence of Mad Cow Disease.

Let’s run through that again – the Feds are suing – in court to prevent a meat packer from inspecting for Mad Cow Disease.

And why is that? Well money of course. This time the larger meat packing companies are urging their servants – sorry the federal government to not allow this firm to inspect every cow carcass they process for Mad Cow Disease instead of the one percent that the regulations now require. The reason that this firm is doing this is that they sell beef overseas and regulations are tighter so they decided to do the inspections on their own.

The larger firms are of course freaking because they are afraid that US consumers will demand this and they will have to shell out their precious money as well. So rather than a) supplying consumer demand (and by the by isn’t that what capitalism is supposed to do? Better than socialism – of course it doesn’t explain why when you go into a men’s store you see ¾ of the pants have pleats or are in colors no human would wear but that’s another rant) or b) educating the customer on the very small chance that pions from contaminated beer will eat their brain, they try and get the government to stop the smaller company.

Only in America.

It kind of bothers me that this stuff bothers me so much – it happens all the time, the world has always been run by and for self interested scoundrels and greed heads. But this kind of thing makes me crazy.

And then there is the news that the current Iraq government is hopelessly corrupt and unable to do anything. Gee who the hell didn’t see that coming?

Peace Love Mooooo.


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