Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's a Boy Mrs Walker and Ant Man!

Things have been hectic as hell with work and the band and mostly with the Enemy Below and Insect Girl – They’ve been expecting for a while and their son was born on Tuesday – pictures to follow once I have time to down load them. Work is mad mad I tell you.

Mother, Father and son are all – the parents look very happy – he was 6 pd’s 15 oz when born and about 54.1 centimeters long (or 20 or so inches - if my notes are accurate if not – well then he wasn’t). He’s not doing much but heck he’s had a long day and he’s got a lot ahead of him – like learning his parents are in this band – so he gets a bit of slack cut.

They’re braver than me I’ll tell you. I find the idea of having someone that is going to call me dad for the rest of my life to be deeply frightening mostly due to my own rampart insecurities taking their exercise outdoors.

With all this still haven’t gotten to see Iron Man and now The New Indiana Jones film is almost upon us. I’m not sure just how good this is going to be but it’ll be nice to see Karen Allen in a film again – she was going to be a big star and just walked away from the whole thing – to do theater and some small films. She seemed to be one of the last non-cookie cutter look actress to make it big – before they started using models as the talent pool for actresses – which isn’t always a great idea – Models are best being living hangers and showing no or one emotion – which isn’t really what you want from an actress.

Anyway she didn’t have the standard look that actresses have today – and actors to truth be told – it’s like they all go to the same plastic surgeon.

Anyway I also notice with some sadness that the Ant Man movie seems to be in limbo – although the success of Iron Man might bring it forward – Ant Man, aka Hank Pym was one of the Original Avengers – Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Ant Man and the Wasp (also called the Winsome Wasp by Stan Lee who liked this kind of wooden word play) The Hunk left after the first issue and Captain America showed up in issue #4.

Originally Hank was able to shrink to the size of an ant while retaining the strength of a normal human being. The best response to that came from John Buleshi as the Hulk in the classic Saturday Night Live superhero sketch – He, upon being told by Ant Man (Garret Morris) what Ant Man’s powers where says “that’s great” and went for a beer.

Fortunately he didn’t also say he can control insects/ants with his mind a power they would use in the early days whenever they remembered/needed it.

I would postulate that one of the signs that your superhero is lame is that his or her powers include communicating and controlling animals – I mean look Aquaman – talks to fish, Hawkman talked to birds (this is especially cringe inducing reading this years later, Hawkman actually goes “tweep! Tweep!” – yeah comics were for kids but did they have to read as if they were written for stupid children?) and Hank Pym (Ant Man) control insects –and looking at them you know the Blue Beetle could mop the floor with all three of them.

Anyway Hank is also Giant Man who - well gets big and strong – “great”

Anyway more rumination on such stuff later.

Peace love a son, a son, a son.


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