Friday, May 16, 2008

Appeasement, Tapes and Iron Man

Somebody must be messing with Chris Matthews meds – just last week he jumped all over the picture of Barrack Obama playing pool – saying that only the elites play pool these days. (Harking back to the poor showing he had bowling)

Ah Chris? In the back of just about every dive bar – and some not dive bars are one or maybe more – pool tables. A Game costs about oh about a buck or maybe more these days –haven’t played in a while myself.

Now yes a pool table in your home is a little more money but lots of folks play pool – probably more than bowl – so casting pool as some kind of elitist thing is pretty weird.

That said something floating about the net is an exchange between Chris and some right wing radio blowhard/nitwit who was happy that W used his speech in the Israel to imply Obama was dangerous.

Then in what seemed to a bit of an off tangent question Chris asked the Nitwit who Neville Chamberland was and what he did that was so bad back in 1938 – 39. Other than say he was an appeaser – well duh – the nitwit couldn’t give any details – like oh he forced the Czechs to cede the Sudetenland to Hitler thereby enabling the complete takeover of Czechoslovakia later that year – an event that led the outbreak of the Second World War the very result that Chamberlain was trying to avoid with his policies. It’s wasn’t a good idea but even Winton Churchill spoke well of the man at his funeral (he died in 1940) a gesture other folks might take a lesson from. Churchill had many many flaws and was not quite the shining hero he’s been presented but he was not a petty man.

Anyway the upshot was that the right wing blowhard didn’t have the vaguest clue who Neville Chamberland was or what he had done other than being an appeaser (a word he said louder and louder as it became more and more apparent that he didn’t have the vaguest idea what he was talking about. He really could have been saying kumquat or Ferret over and over again for all the sense he was making).

While entertaining – along the lines of finding out the White House Press Secretary didn’t know what the Cuban missile crisis was - you wonder why this was broadcast – I mean chopping an idiot off at the knees while entertaining isn’t really a useful thing – sure it shows he’s an idiot but in the end what of that? He knows he’s an idiot but he keeps on yelling – and finally you just toss you hands up and move on.

It just seemed odd to me.

Meantime – Arlen Specter – who really needs a new hobby - has announced that the investigation of the secret taping by the New England Patriots of other teams signals by the NFL wasn’t enough and he wants a MLB steroid style investigation of the taping. I have to wonder at this – considering what else is going on right now this should be about ohhhhh number 3,532 on congress’s list of things to do – right after renaming the post office in the Empire State Building after Fay Wray. (King Kong, he climbed the building with her…oh never mind).

Seeing as the tapes that have surfaced show things like the other teams cheerleaders – it’s highly doubtful that what ever tapes the hustler who’s been shopping them all over the media shows anything else that damning.

You know – thinking here – in some ways getting beaten by the Giants was probably a good thing for the Pats as per this nonsense – if they had won, well the resentment level would be much much higher all over the NFL world (Belicheck is not a graceful man either in victory or defeat – that does rub nerves the wrong way) as it is now there is a real sense of hell they lost the super bowl what’s the point.

I’m not a fan of the Yankees but I think Young Hank Steinbrenner needs to shut up – if for no other reason that the picture of him everybody uses looks god awful. Frankly it looks like they did a wax model of a hypothetical human basset hound hybrid and then left the finished model under a heat lamp too long where it began to melt. It’s that hideous.

Hank’s problem – like his dad’s is he doesn’t really know shit about baseball - he races horses and well that’s a sport where if you want the horse to go faster you whack it with a whip. Baseball doesn’t work like that.

That said – The Mets are not doing well – and hell they haven’t been doing well for months going back to last year’s all star break. I think something needs to be done – the team has too much talent to be floating around at .500 but there are real weaknesses as well and well let’s just say I know I don’t know enough about baseball to really know what needs to be done. I have some opinions – like personnel changes but I could be wrong.

Need to see Iron Man this weekend – other wise I’ll have to cut my Fan Boy membership card in two and mail it back.

As best I can tell John McCain’s plan for Iraq consists of 1. Get Elected 2. Keep doing the same thing 3. Say ferret very loudly frightening the insurgents 4 Victory! 5. Bring the troops home. 6. Ponies for everybody! On to gas prices.

It’s doesn’t make much sense but the the idea of a ‘victory’ in a civil war torn wreck like Iraq is a little hard to get your mind about. It reminds me a little of Nixon’s secret plan to get out of Viet Nam – which boiled down to take the terms offered 3 years after they were offered.

The World is mad really.

Peace Love Repulsor Rays.


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