Friday, February 01, 2008

Much Rain, Death Rays and an Insane Film

It’s pouring outside – so much so the $3.00 umbrellas are now $4.00 (made in Bangladesh – just how is that cheaper than making it domestically is beyond me – labor sure but shipping costs have to be pretty big yes – well who knows)

As a reminder of how things really are – a friend and a co-worker are having their last days today – not by choice.

It’s moments like this I remember my folks telling me I needed a normal 9-5 job for ‘stability’ cause trying anything creative is too much of a crap shoot – which being younger and less sure of myself (not that I’m a huge bundle of confidence now) I figured yeah okay they know what’s up. And here I am in yet another job that could vanish next week (I overstate but only for effect).

Ah well – I expect I’ll understand all this – and I mean all this at some point – which I imagine will come just before my last brain cell pops from Alzheimer’s or senility – or I get hit by a bus.

Rainy days put me in that kind of mood.

Meantime I notice the pentagon has decided to cut back on research on ‘death rays’ which reminded me of one of my favorite Charles Addams Cartoons – pictured above. (Is there anything the Pentgon hasn't reserched on the off chance it could be a weapon? You wonder).

I am very fond of Chas Addams (it's how he signed his name) – he had a genuinely morbid sense of humor and even in this day and age can spawn a bit of nervous laughter. One I remember well is a street scene in New York were a crowd has gathered. There are two men walking past the scene and one of them says to the other “Anything will draw a crowd in New York”

What’s happening is that a man is being dragged down an open manhole by an octopus.

Thank you Chas

Saw Fantasy Mission Force last night – and well – Sweet Mercy – it was insane. Just screaming bat shit crazy. It was as if someone took a schizophrenic from the lock up ward at the mental hospital loaded him up on crystal Meth and LSD and told him to go shoot a film.

At least that is what I think happened – no sane person could have put a film like this together.

It starts with some generals – dressed in 19th century style uniforms talking about gibberish – there is an American General (named Abraham Lincoln) a French General an African General (who is in blackface –good god) and another general – then the Japanese attack – the Generals then point to map of Canada saying the Japanese are there (what the fuck? The Japanese in Canada? The northwest of Canada? The hell?) The French General says something different – then they are captured by the Japanese – led by a man who looks like he’s about to puke or something – maybe he saw the rushes.

I don’t have time to do this film justice to day – but the basic plot is where a commando force is raised to rescue the captured generals who are being held in Luxemburg – where apparently huge numbers of Asians are now living – or something.

Right after the leader of the group is chosen – we switch to a musical number – yes a musical number – it was at this point I began to suspect I had been drugged. It’s bizarre and makes no sense and is cut away from as if someone was changing the channels.

Like I said I don’t have time to do this film justice today – I’m going to watch it again over the weekend – this time taking notes – I was paralyzed the first time – and put together a full review.

Peace Love Death Rays


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