Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Crazy People and Robots with Monkey Brains

Okay – certain things are becoming clear – the gop voters are not very happy with anybody in the race – and I can see why not – we have More Plastic than Plastic man, Mitt Romney – John McCain who’s campaign slogan could well be “not as batshit insane as the rest of them” Huckabee “batshit insane - religious”; Ron Paul “batshit insane - secular” and Rudy “More amazingly batshit insane then you can possibly imagine” Fred Thompson - he’s like Regan, he’s asleep a lot.

And it looks like the White House lied about progress in Iraq – this is no real surprise they’ve lied about progress in Iraq since the first US tank crossed the border.

Meantime our boy king visited the Middle East and other than playing with swords, being fed and saying bad things about Iran didn’t seem actually get much done.

Indeed the only thing he did do was tell the prime minister of Israel that he didn’t believe the NIE that said Iran had dropped its atomic Bomb project in 2003. Which while it comes as no real surprise it does depress the hell out of me. W has acted like a spoiled lunatic child his entire time in DC and except for Social Security has gotten his way all the damn time. And that he has decided not to believe the NIE and act accordingly is horribly damaging to the gathering of high level intelligence. While it’s always been a truth of the intelligence services that you can’t convince the higher ups of things they aren’t ready to believe – this blanket dismissal of a report that doesn’t match what he wants is the kind eyes wide shut stupidity and stubbornness (and isn’t it interesting that both of those are linked so closely) that gives us disasters like the Bay of Pigs and well Iraq.

Meantime – some scientists are experimenting with monkeys – this is nothing new scientists have been doing things with monkeys for a quite a while. These guys are working wiring monkey’s brains so they can control robots. Let me write that again – using monkey brains to control robots. I.e. the monkey thinks walk the robot walks the monkey thinks raise an arm the robot raises an arm the monkey thinks fling poo and well, it’ll try at least.

I’m sorry yeah they are trying to get to the day when folks in wheelchairs and victims of strokes can function better but in the meantime we run the risk of unleashing a race of terminator style robots with a hostility towards human beings (see the guy killed by Monkeys in New Deli) and a taste for bananas – the soul chills.

Still Robots with Monkey Brains sounds like a possible song title. Something to mull.

I was going watch attack of the crab Monsters but I was too grumpy (Ha Ha I slay myself) Actually the disk arrived from Netflix with a crack – so I have to wait for them to send a new one. Eck.

Still no interest except from people wanting payment for having interest, in Mike Bloomberg’s run for president – Mike isn’t there a supermodel out there you could date or throw yourself at in an embarrassing manner? Maybe an actress – lord if I had you’re money I’m pretty sure that’s what I’d be doing.

Peace, love, Anne Francis Stars in Forbidden Planet


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