Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Blue Tuesday, My Dwarf can't find his body and Ghastly Horror

Tuesday’s just as bad

Well it maybe seasonal or allergies or something but I’m kind of blue today. Not horribly but still a bit down. IT could be mid winter blahs – it could be just I’m feeling old and sad and lonely.

And it could be that my dwarf is stuck.

Let me explain that – I was on World of Warcraft last night (yes one of those) and I was wandering about the world just seeing what there was to see when I found this dam – like Hoover dam sized dam and just wandered about – then in a moment of foolishness I walked to the edge and not being that good at controlling things still – went over the edge and fell to a painful death (at least it was for the dwarf – for me it was embarrassing)

Death in WOW is not that big a deal – your ghosts show up at a nearby – or not so near by grave yard and have to go to your body – although you are called a ghost or sprit you move the same as you do when alive – no floating through doors for you my friend - you walk.

So I’m stumping along back to the body but when I get there I have to jump off the dam again – and as the dwarf is in mid air the message – so you want to become alive again shows up – heck no I think – I’ll just get killed again and in my ghost form hit the bottom.

This is where it gets to be a problem – I’m in spirit form at the bottom of the dam – my physical body is however stuck in some corner where the dam meets the valley wall – and it’s too steep for me to climb up to get close enough to revive myself. (I’ve tried over and over again)

Okay I think I’ll just find a way back up jump off the damn and get myself killed again and this time revive myself in the graveyard – there’s a penalty for this – not much but you don’t like to do it.

Well I can’t find a way up – like no way – the entire area is surrounded by sheer cliff walls that I can’t get up – there isn’t even a salmon ladder for the fish.

So I’m stuck – I’m going to have to find some other location – I haven’t seen a way to get to where I was – and find a place to get my body back.

It’s going to be a neat trick – there is nothing but swamp land as far as I can see – that and sheer walls I can’t climb.

Gonna be a long evening for the Dwarf – that’s for sure.

The Blood of Ghastly Horror was as expected a confused mess of fractured plot strands – bad acting and production values that would shame a public access TV program where all the host does is rant and rave about the Masons running the world.

The movie started off as a pretty dull jewel robbery gone bad film – and then the producer and director decided to add a horror angle later by sticking footage of John Carridene jabbering with another actor about how he had put a micotransmitter into the brain of a brain damaged man – turning him in to the main psychopath of the Jewel robbery film – the films budget can be easily seen by noting – while the conversations between John and the other actor were supposed to have taken place over a couple of days neither man clothes are different – and in the Frankenstein monster bit where John activates the monster – the brain activation what not that sits on the top of the head of the psycho guy is a construction helmet painted silver. It later it used by the psycho guy to kill John – John who had at least 3 sons to feed was known for taking anybody’s money – but if you paid him more he would do a better job – they didn’t pay him much in this film.

Then – since that wasn’t a) confusing enough of b) bad enough – they added a book end over plot to the above mess by inserting the character of the psycho’s father who has studied voodoo in Jamaica (yes Jamaica) and has created some kind hulk jr. looking zombie thing that kills a bunch of people in the first five minutes of the film and then reappears at the end of the film to menace the daughter of the character John Carridne played. And then kill the Psycho’s father in the standard isn’t that ironic moment all horror films like this have.

While Tommy Kirk is billed near the top of this film he doesn’t do much except wear ugly 70’s clothes (the ties so wide so garish) and yell into a phone.

There is one nicely bizarre moment where the Psycho’s father berates John’s daughter for John’s inserting the micro chip in the Psycho’s brain – he insists with his natural (voodoo) methods he could have save the psycho.

It really doesn’t have the luminous weirdness that giants in the genre have – it’s a hack job done by self confessed hacks.

Peace Love trapped Dwarves


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