Monday, January 14, 2008

Nothing - Gigging - Twister - Brainiac

Not getting a damn thing done.

Not one thing. Of everything I wanted to do this weekend – about the only thing I managed to get done was sleep more than usual.

Other than that bupkis – well maybe it is just for the best – the end of the year burned me out and I’m not used to two gigs in a week either.

The gig at the Delancy was a lot of fun and mad mad props for everybody who came out – especially the folks who saw us already that Saturday – I mean man what can I say – other than thank you thank you thank you over and over again like Steve Martin in one of his early albums.

And meantime – since she isn’t going to be signing for while – Insect Girl has taken over the mailings and working on the bookings – I have to say that Insect Girl is much more aggressive than I am in getting bookings – and to tell the God’s Honest Truth – a Malaysian Honey Bear is more aggressive than I am in getting bookings. It’s the low self esteem bit – the gift that just keeps on giving.

And as just another example of why I can’t stand my own head sometimes – I have this awful sense of all these good things are going to have to be paid for by having bad things happen. This isn’t what I want to be feeling but it’s what I’m feeling and god does it stink.

It comes from my growing up – partially from the attitude of my folks and partially because – not to go into any sordid details cause they are rather irrelevant to the topic – bad things were always on the way. It just was – you got used to in and learned to cover yourself before the blow it. Which when the blows stop coming – is not the best way to spend one’s time.


Meantime the old world just keeps rolling along and this is one of the more fascinating headlines I’ve seen in a while –

“Naked Twister" parties draw complaints in suburban Dallas”

Well I shouldn’t wonder – yes?

Apparently there is a large swinger’s club in this suburb that meets at this one guys split level home - where there are such things as the Orgy room and naked twister. All good fun one presumes but the town doesn’t want it – several reasons are given – the noise, it destroying property values, the number of cars that clog the street on a Saturday night and of course the overwhelming need of some people – haunted by the idea of thrills they will never experience and yet sorely tempted by them – to close things like this down rather than deal with the urge to play a kids game while buck naked and oiled up.

Speaking of twisted – one of the things I did do was watch Brainiac about 3 times – as I left off the Baron has returned after 300 years to take his revenge on the descendants of the folks what did him in – after he returns riding on a comet and kills the first person he meets and then magically puts this mans clothes on leaving the poor victim dead in his boxer shorts.

The film then shows the baron setting him self up as a visiting Spanish nobleman and tracking down the descendants he needs to kill – along with the odd bar girl – with each victim the baron blinks a light in their eyes – the DVD commentator called it the blinking flashlight of doom – then he, if the victim is a woman he makes advances then, after turning into the big-nosed hairy beast with two fingers on each hand each with suction cups on the end – and a foot (maybe a foot and a ½) long forked tongue that he uses to eat the victims brains.

And also – in a pretty disgusting bit – the baron also has what looks like a chafing dish full of brains that he takes out from time to time and eats a few bits using a long handled spoon to dig out the portions.

It’s never quite explained how these brains ended up in the dish – but there they are.

Meantime as the trail of bodies grow – a police inspector and his aide (Benny I think his name is) The Inspector looks a bit like Tele Savalis with some weight on and Benny looks like Phil Silvers (he does the comic relief – god do I hate comic relief – it is rarely comic and is even more rarely a relief) are on the trail – at the end they storm in with flame throwers just as the Baron is about to eat the brain of the female lead and burn him up – the male lead doesn’t do a lot of anything in this film, mostly he just stands about looking distressed.

The picture – at least in Spanish has a wonderfully demented air about it – and an energy that is wonderful to watch as the Brainiac goes from snacking on one brain after another. Just wild goofy stuff.

To quote Captain Beefheart – “Give me Brainiac fingers only with more hair”

Peace Love Brainiac fingers



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