Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday, Recording notes and what not.

It was Monday all right.

The subway was full of people who looked like they wanted to be just somewhere anywhere else.

I understood – esp as we waited with the open doors at Queensbrough plaza that let the cold damp early winter morning wind overwhelm the heating while we waited for the 7 train to come in – and of course just as those were about to open – ours closed and off we went leaving behind on the platform the poor buggers who wanted to change trains. The MTA says that they do that because of the schedules (actually subway trains have schedules – you’d never know it but they do) but we all know it’s because they are sadistic bastards and this is one of the pleasures of the job - viewing the sad despairing faces of commuters watching the train leave without them.

Didn’t get as much done in the studio as we wanted – it took a while to set up – and that with what was in retrospect unrealistic expatiations about what we would be able to get done made things kind of tense. And I didn’t really do as well as I could – maybe it was over confidence maybe it was being too worried about the guitar solo I had maybe just a bit tired whatever I wasn’t in top form – And poor Insect Girl was struggling with a sore throat all day and by the end of the day her voice was reduced to a raspy low whisper –

There is a tension that floats around when you record – esp when things go wrong – and you remember that you’re paying for this and ½ hour just slipped by without anything useful put on tape (or disk really nowadays) you start to lose your temper or get tense or get down on yourself (my favorite thing to do) and start to get irritated by little things people do.

After my experiences recording I think that one of the things leading to the break up of the Beatles was that all they did was record in the studio after 1965-66 (I forget when) and that had to have had an effect – day after day after day of “okay rolling” no that didn’t work – okay – George we’re going to try this one more - oh for Christ sakes Paul can you stop playing the god damn piano for two seconds? I’m trying to – yeah? Well go fuck yourself too you god damn pretty boy – what was that George - no I have no idea where the hell Ringo is”

And so on. I can imagine it going that way – on the 35th take of Penny Lane. Try the temper of Mr. Rogers it would.

Anyway we’re going back in a couple of weeks – to do the mix down and re-do some vocals (mine included) – hearing my someone else on playback was painful. And I hope for my sake the lesson is learned.

In looking at the results of the voting as the primaries unroll I find it somewhat heartening that in New Hampshire the voters didn’t listen to the “she’s a woman with those body parts how can she be president” from the village media nor the whispers of “you know Obama is like black” from of all people Bill Clinton and other surrogates (rule #1 of modern dirty campaigning – don’t say the rotten things yourself – have someone else do it, mostly by whispering in the ear of a pet journalist and having them go on the air and say “Obama – do people know that he is like black? That is what some prominent Democratic Party members are saying.”

Anyway – the good news is that the voters have said “just shut up about this – we are in trouble and times are bad the last thing we need to do is screw around with this bs”

And I thank them for it.

Also is has been a grim pleasure to watch the incredible shrinking Rudy G – go from the Media Darling front runner to a man worried he’s going to finish behind Ron Paul again. Couldn’t really happen to a nicer creep – whose campaign has been one of the worst run train wrecks I’ve ever seen. Rudy – per Jimmy Breslin - ‘a small man looking for a balcony’ fared horribly when forced to deal with the person to person interaction that the early primaries require – because frankly to know him is to loathe him. Tack onto his personal arrogance (He has a tendency to barge through crowds of supporters – supporters mind you – surrounded by body guards and staff do the skut work of shoving the great unwashed aside) his painful lack of knowledge about foreign affairs, national policy and economics you have a miserable candidate.

It’s funny that there seem to more and very fervent Fred Thompson supporters out there in the net verse now that he’s dropped out of the race than when he was in it. It’s getting like the buzz before he entered the race – when Chris Matthews was speculating on what Fred smell like (as odd an observation as has ever come from that very odd man).

Got The Blood of Ghastly Horror from Net Flix – and it looks awful – hell even the producer said it was a mess – the story goes that he and the director did this crime pic but nobody was interested so they added some horror aspects but nobody was interested and then slapped some additional footage onto the mutant beast and included it as part of a 6 movies to show on TV deal they got with American International. This in addition to starring Tommy Kirk and John Carridine who never refused a part until several years after his death and you have the recipe for a god awful film. I can hardly wait.

Peace Love Tommy Kirk


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