Thursday, January 24, 2008

Winter, Politics, Frankenstein and Kimi

Typical cold winter day today – there is a dampness in the air – the trees are leafless and their branches stark and twisted looking against the dark blue of the sky – they look a bit like illustrations of nerve ganglia you see on science shows these days – it’s been long enough now you’re not sure that they ever had leaves.

Another winter sight is commuters huddled near one of the Advertising bill boards or the Subway information sign because it blocks the wind.

There was also one of those scary looking old women searching for bottles and cans in the trash – I only seem them in my neighborhood but then that’s the only place where I am early or late enough to see them all wrapped in various scarves and what look like parts of blankets wheeling a shopping cart or just carrying a plastic bag full of bottles and cans as the root through the garbage.

They scare me a little – they seem in some ways to be the angel of death (which in many mythologies is represented as an old woman) and I keep kicking around a Steven King style story where they also collect the souls of the dead for recycling.

All in all a typical winter morning

I notice that the he-man Hillary Hater’s club is now suggesting that what’s really happening is that Bill Clinton is running for a third term as president – which can’t be done! I mean Hillary can’t be running for president herself – she’s a - gasp – woman with lady parts and all sorts of things like that. She can’t possibly want to be president herself.

Now how this fits in with the story they were telling last week that Hillary was a scary she beast whose pocketbook contained special castrating shears for the easy removal of the testicles of her male supporters – some of which she wore as a necklace looking more like Kali the Hindu god of death than anything. This being a beard for Bill doesn’t quite follow that.

The ones most up in arms about the bill thing were the folks that upset that Reagan didn’t get to run again after the second term – what a joy that would have been – the press making excuses for his Alzheimer’s fueled rambles – “I had a nice little doggie once. Mommy is my doggie?” Extolling his communication skills even as his brain turned into a sponge filled with blood.

For me the allure or charm of Reagan was always very very elusive – I thought he was a complete fake – from his died hair to the tips of his shoes. I found his patriotism equally phony sounding (it may have been heart felt but I have no insight into what Reagan really felt all I know if that it always rang false with me) even when talking about the Challenger it just sounded wrong to me. Flash flags chants of USA and nothing else.


And don’t get me started on Bitburg.

Much stuff in the papers about the death of Heath Ledger – sad – 28. I learned so much after I was 28 that my head spins when I think about it.

The celebrity press of course is tearing into this story like they are vultures on the veldt with a fresh wildebeest carcass in front of them. Like many feeding frenzies it’s disgusting to watch and the noise gets in the way of concentrating on important things like oh whether Brittany is pregnant or not.

Or something – this economy thing maybe.


Meantime the soft pink people in congress are going to sell us down the river again. They are trying to pass –over the objections of a few Senators Chris Dodd for one – a FISA bill that will retroactively provide immunity from prosecution and lawsuits for the Telecom industry – it’s being pushed as a war on terror thing even though there is evidence that the illegal wiretaps started before 9-11. But the Telecoms have more money than god and have bought a lot of people – including Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid who is going after Chis Dodd and the other Senators who are going to filibuster this with a hell of a lot more energy than he has shown dealing with W and his cronies.

Watched – well watched and dozed off to – Frankenstein Conquers the world – actually the Japanese title is Frankenstein vs. Baragon – it’s a mid 60’s Toho effort that stars Nick Adams and Kumi Mizuno and is pretty strange – even for mid 60’s Toho.

The story goes in 1945 the Nazis send Frankenstein’s heart to Japan (actually the Frankenstein Monster’s heart but they call it Frankenstein’s heart so we’ll call it maze and It’ll work) which sans body is still beating – the heart arrives in Japan and is sent to Hiroshima just in time to be nuked.

Years later Nick Adams is working in Japan with Kimi on the effects of radiation – as a side note Kimi later noted that Nick had a tendency to fall in love with his leading ladies – which he did here – I can see why although it’s a bit different when you have a wife and kids already yes? But that was apparently Nick.

Anyway – they seem in the film to be a couple but they never make it explicit – not sure why maybe just not wanting to hit any taboos in the markets I guess. But in the course of their work they stumble across a orphan who has blue eyes – they go on to discover that this is Frankenstein – grown (just how it doesn’t say) from the heart brought to Japan.

Meantime the monster Baragon shows up and starts destroying things and Frankenstein grows to huge size – and escapes. They then spend the last part of the movie fighting in the shadow of Mount Fuji until Frankenstein defeats Baragon and then they are both buried in a landslide caused by the standard end of film earthquake.

Despite Kimi and Nick (hearing him being dubbed in the Japanese version is a hoot) – this was a hard one to follow and keep interested in. The problem is that well – the Frankenstein monster – since it’s obviously a guy with makeup when he starts to fight Baragon it becomes all to painfully obvious that Baragon is a man in a suit – yes well all knew that but there is that suspension of disbelief thing – it’s harder when you can see the strings you know.


Peace Love Kimi


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