Thursday, January 17, 2008

Crack and Inframan

Off to buy crack

Well not really but world of warcraft battle box awaits me somewhere out there along with the little mike that will allow me to shout gibberish while playing. Oh the temptations – oh the temptations.

“Ock loggga where’s the damn Toyota equip button”

“Look out behind you!”

“I feel like someone put a cat in my underwear”

And so on.

Off to see Cloverfield tomorrow – right now I’m hoping it doesn’t suck rockets – which it well could do so – frankly the problems of dealing with the attack of a huge monster in New York are not as interesting as the monster attacking New York – but even so It’ll be better than the American Godzilla film where folks seemed to ignore the monster as much as possible so they could deal with their far more important personal issues.

We’re trying out someone new to replace insect girl – she’s had one rehearsal and seems to be a pretty damn good fit – it helped that she’d heard the songs before and liked them. We had one guy a bass player come in once – turned out he was petty active in his church – which as you would suspect – meant he wasn’t quite the right person to be playing Someone else or the Bondage song.

The new girl not so much – she’s currently rehearsing a burlesque show where she sings while wearing white fur skimpy angel costume – so she’s goona fit.

After years I finally found Inframan on DVD – I had rented this years ago at blockbuster on an old faded vhs – after having seen it on TV a couple of times.

It’s not nice to call a film insane but really here if the shoe fits what can you do?

The story is about the invasion of earth by an evil alien princess – who can turn into a bird or lizard with wings and her Skeleton wearing motor cycle helmets with Viking horns on them servants and her special monsters all of whom look like they are rejects from Toho and the power rangers.

Actually this film is pretty much a power ranger template – absurd rubber monsters lead by a shrieking or yelling lunatic – fight the hero for ever and ever and ever – the tradition of endless fights against hordes of underlings that was started in the Japanese Starman films is continued here.

The Inframan is a member of some kind of elite fighting force (which has to be about the lamest elite fighting force in the history of elite fighting forces) is turned into a cyborg by the group’s leader (the professor).

Also I noticed that the Inframan (I forget his name in the film so I’ll call him Ted) didn’t turn into the Inframan right away when confronted with the bad guys – he seems to think it would unsporting to do so – despite the fact that several of his allies get killed by the monsters while he is till in human form (I mean challenging yourself is all well and good but if it gets folks killed guy turn into Inframan)

Also turning into the Inframan causes him to a lot of back flips – each and every time he turns into Inframan – about the 55th time this loses its charm.

As I said the fights go on and on and on and then – just stop with the bad guy blowing up – we’re not always sure why – but they do blow up.

There is one lackey of Princes Dragon (who has very fake dragon feet) is called she demon and she has eyes in the palms of her hands. There are so many things wrong with that. She also blows up, everything blows up – I suspect this is one of Michael Bey’s favorite films.

There are also monsters who look like they were attempts to weaponize the slinky – they also blow up

The film exhibits a manic insane energy and people yell a lot – but it all makes no real sense but if you are watching a film titled Super Inframan (was there a regular Inframan you wonder) you pretty much know what you’re going to get. What would be really weird would be Hamlet done by people in rubber monster and superhero suits jumping and kicking each other while reciting the lines from the play – now that would be strange.

No more time to go down that path –

Peace Love Inframan



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