Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good New, Bad News & Romance as it where

Lots of stuff in the presidential race these days – John Edwards who truth be told is closer to my political views than the other democratic candidates is dropping out. Now when I say closer – it’s a matter of degree rather than I think the others are doody heads.

And actually nobody is really saying what I think needs to be said – that a major part of the next administration’s job is going to be undoing the damage done and putting the creeps who did the damage in fucking jail.

They have lied, lied and lied, turn agencies that we rely on to ensure the safety of our food, the drugs we take and the water we drink in to dumping grounds for cronies, tortured, used the justice department as a political tool, destroyed documents and flat out stole taxpayer money – billons of dollars of it – all in the simple blind pursuit of power and sweet sweet cash and unless there is some measure of consequences for this they won’t change a bit – they will figure they can just lay low, toss sand in the gears and blame the Democratic party for everything then get back to looting the government in 4-8 years. They are not going to change and why should they? They have no earthly reason to. However some jail sentences may convince them the rules have changed and perhaps not being total evil bastards would be a better use of their time.

Thus end-ith the rant – I’m trying to be calmer.

Speaking of complete bastards – the buzz is the Rudy – after finishing 3rd in Florida – where he was going to springboard to the nomination and on to victory– is going to drop out.

In some ways I will miss Rudy and Rudy’s many many cheerleaders in the media thrashing about trying to explain why finishing 3rd is actually good for him – but on the other hand it will be nice not to have to deal with his skull like face on the TV or papers.

And I remember the absolute Yahoo on the subway train some months ago who was insisting that Rudy was going to be the next president – I think about how he’s feeling and smile inside. Yeah I like being right sometimes.

In a long post mortem in the NY Times they danced around that with Rudy, the better you got to know him, the more you disliked him leaving a Professional campaign consultant to remark that the more he campaigned in New Hampshire the lower his poll numbers went – leaving the reader to draw his or her own conclusions.

And now he will stagger out of the race as gracelessly as he staggered out of the office of Mayor of NYC – the aura of 9-11 notwithstanding his offer to stay on a bit longer as mayor really turned a lot of people off and reminded everybody why they hated the little prick in the first place.

And let’s not forget that one of the reasons that Rudy was able to be there for all those press conferences on 9-11 was that his emergency command post was in flames that day. – It was apparently a very nice bunker - sorry emergency communications center – with cigars in a humidifier even. But it was located at 7 World Trade Center (against the advice of his experts) and burned down when the Towers went.

I also suspect that part of decision to quit will be that he hasn’t spent all the money he has yet and if memory serves he can keep what’s left if he quits. And there is little Rudy loves better than money (maybe cheating on women but other than that).

In other notes I’ve been trying the electronic dating world – no luck at the moment but I’m still not quite sure what I’m looking for in a relationship and that may have something to do with it. As a performer one reason to have a girlfriend/boyfriend to have at least one person coming to the show (“ah come on honey you promised”). This seems to happen more often with guys than women – I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen some one at a open mike or places like the orange bear where the sensitive guy on stage is signing this meandering shipwreck of a song and there is a girl staring at him with absolute loving worshipfulness – not so often the other way.

The thing is with our stuff – a woman looking at me with absolute loving worshipfulness while I’m singing about bondage equipment is going to make me very very nervous. And we’re just trying to get people to laugh not contemplate their wonderful sensitive inner life.

I’m so sensitive – that’s why I stole you car (hmmmmm)

And of course St. Valentines day is coming, an event that makes single but looking sensitive folks like me drift into a pit of wild churning self loathing and bleak sense of utter failure – so I’m going to take my hands off the wheel for the moment until the day passes.

And good luck to all the couples out there – it’s a high stress time for them as well. Such a perfect example of the modern world – what is supposed to be a celebration of romantic love turning into an over hyped stress pit.

Peace Love Good-bye Rudy.


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