Monday, February 04, 2008

The Day after the Superbowl - snow and hip hop

Not being much – if any – kind of giants fan – I wasn’t as berserk as many people were last night – and I have to say – giving the MVP to Manning was a crock – they should have given it to the Giant’s defense that held the pats to 14 points.

There was a light snow falling this am as I was walking to the subway. It was pretty really like walking to work inside a snow globe. We haven’t had a real snowstorm this year (which of course now insures that it will be a blizzard a week until late march) and a pretty snowfall is one of the good things about winter.

I noticed on the subways this A.M. 1) it wasn’t a crowded as usual and 2) there were a lot more women than men going to work this morning – it could have just been the train I was on but somehow I don’t think so.

The Enemy below was – as we were on the roof of his building listening to the screams of the happy giant fans – worried about the parade they were going to have and how it was going to muck up his commute – he’s not a giant fan either. I told him that the last time they won they had the celebration in Giant’s Stadium but thinking about this morning I’m not so sure they will do that again. I figure that Bloomberg is such an ego maniac that he’ll insist that the Giants come to city hall (never mind they live work and do most of their business in Jersey – they have an office in the city and there is an NY on the side of their helmets but that’s about all the contact with New York they really have – this is an old sticking point with me so I’ll let it go.) So the Enemy Below may have something to worry about after all.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday and it looks like the race for the nomination will be at least on the Republican side all tied up by Tuesday night as McCain looks to get the nod over Plastic Man, sorry Mitt Romney. The hard right of the gop – including the folks who jabber like magpies on Fox news and some websites are having a lot of problems with this development as John McCain is the most center of the candidates (which of course is a relative thing as such things go – he’s against abortion rights, committed to staying in Iraq and tax cuts – but doesn’t think water boarding people is the bee’s knees.

As a side note I remember seeing a clip form the Long Island disgrace sorry congressman Peter King where is was going on and on about how Rudy was the man they needed who was tough enough to deal with the terrorists who were, per Mr. King – EVERYWHERE READY TO DO US HARM! It was quite a performance of barely controlled hysteria by a man who probably hasn’t seen a moment of real danger in decades and if anything reconfirmed the worlds view of American’s as hysterical cowards.

The only thing he sounded enthusiastic about was torture which he called – a few moments’ discomfort that won’t cause any real damage.

This is the numb of the right wing’s problem with McCain. As crazy as he is – he is not as crazy about torture (having seen it from the other side while staying at the Hanoi Hilton) as they are. Which takes him out the inhuman monster class they right wing seems to like so well.

Other wise he really is a straight up doctrnaire right winger but this is enough to make folks go nuts.

It’d be amusing if it wasn’t so utterly disgusting what utter inhuman bastards we have become since 9-11. Not that we were all that before then – but at least we had a standard we tired to live up to and if we didn’t it was regarded as doing wrong not showing how tough you were by wiring a prisoner’s testicles to a car battery.

Yeah real tough guy.

In other notes we’ll be back to the studio to try and wrap things up on the very first full length CD for the band – I hope to sing a bit better and Insect Girl’s voice should be back by Saturday – and it’s time – we took a bit of a break and now my fingers are getting itchy for guitar strings and I want to feel a stage under my feet – so it’s time again.

Hope to write some new material soon – I’m worried cause it seems a bit of a dry spell but what I need is to get some new input from the world – hit a museum learn something new what not – shake up the brain a bit – let things swirl about and see what pops out.

Did not get to watch Fantasy Mission Force again this weekend – time constraints and the World of Warcraft cut into that idea.

I ended up going to a Latin hip hop club Friday as part of a friend’s celebration of his last day at his job – I never quite got comfortable there – I don’t dance much - and I can’t really be comfortable in a place where you are run through a metal detector and searched for weapons – it seemed a lot of effort for a beer (of which the solution was not that good anyway).

Peace, love, snow
Raquel Welch in a fir Bikini - no reason - do I need a reason?


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