Thursday, January 10, 2008

Insane, Civil Wars and Consutlants

Well that’s just insane:

The current BS floating about the he-man Hilary haters club is that she faked crying and with that won the sympathy vote of those oh so emotional women which gave her the win in New Hampshire. (Hilary is now the first women to win a presidential primacy ever).

Okay now before the primary Hilary crying was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin the sign that her campaign had collapsed.

As with lot of people Hilary is my third choice for the democratic nomination – after Edwards and Obama – she’s a bit too much of a creature of the village for me to be comfortable with but honestly stands head and shoulders and most of her body cause she is wearing stilts compared any of the GOP candidates. But I think we could do better.

That being said – I think the munchkin chorus signing of Ding Dong the Witch is dead by the assembled talking heads of the Media and the Beltway village ranks as one of the more disgusting displays of juvenile minded nastiness I’ve seen.

Speaking of GOP candidates – I still can’t quite get over Ron Paul’s saying that Lincoln was to blame for the civil war – that he could have just bought the slaves from the owners.

While I’m no expert on the origins and causes of the civil war - it’s a turbulent and twisted period of American History – but there was that little matter of firing on Fort Sumter that made things pretty much moot as far a peaceful solution to the problem existed. Also one of the rights that the South was claiming to defend was the right to own slaves – hell the economy of the cotton gowning areas in the south depended on them – so they weren’t about to give up working assets (which is how they viewed their slaves ) and there was a very heavy emotional investment in owning slaves as being a sacred right (not for the first time the bible was quoted to justify something rotten) and once you start thinking like that well, compromise is just not a option at that point.

It’s one of the reasons that I’ve always found those ‘if the south won the war’ sci-fi books to be dishonest about slavery – in all these books the institution has died out in some nameless form without really causing any disruptions to the society.

To me that just doesn’t ring true – after the war the GOP would, if the elections were getting close, ‘wave the bloody shirt’ i.e. Lincoln and by extension all the union casualties in the war to rally support for one rather dubious Republican Presidential candidate (for example Grant who while a good general was an abysmal president) after another. It was pretty effective all things considered.

If (and lord what a big old if that is) the South had emerged as a independent state – I’d expect the same bloody shirt waving to have gone on the instant someone mentioned slavery – in this case perhaps using Stonewall Jackson’s shirt or Robert E Lee’s but the effect would be the same – any talk about abolishing slavery would be linked to dishonoring the heroic dead. Humans don’t change all that much.

Well enough of that. Pages of the free papers this morning gifted me with the somewhat unlovely visage of Mike Bloomberg and with stories about how he’s mulling a presidential run.

Like this we need – it’s a stupid idea. Not that anybody is going to tell Mike that. There isn’t a political consultant in the world that is going to tell a billionaire client – the man who signs his checks “this is a stupid idea - why don't you make an ass of yourself with a supermodel like normal rich men” . At most he’d suggest more polling or something and hope that he can milk the gravy train a bit longer. “We’re going to need some polls to show the trend – cost you about 100-200K over the next week or two”

I don’t think anything but checks to aforesaid consultants is likely to emerge from this nonsense – nobody is saying ‘if only Bloomberg was running’ anywhere. I suspect there is a worry that an honest to goodness progressive might get in and actually end up doing something about the broken system in Washington (which while broken to anybody outside their little circle does manage to make insiders very well off indeed.

Well time to wrap this up – get on with things – gig tonight come if you can – no guitar solo but the bar looks quite nice.

Peace love The Delancey 8pm $6.00 cover.


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