Monday, September 10, 2007

What they on their summer vaction & Manos & Reincarnation

Well the General gives his report today (actually he’ll just give a summary of the report – the actual report – required by the legislation – is that the president reports the General is just a talking head).

This is a very odd dance that is going on here. The General (I forget his name and am too uninterested to look it up) will be giving essentially a “what I did on my summer vacation” oral report to congress. The GOP congressmen will embarrass themselves with extravagant praise of the general’s service like he’s the second coming of Patton and McArthur put together while implying that anyone that questions the general’s testimony and his figures is probably in the pay of Bin Ladden (more him in a bit). The Democratic members will also embarrass themselves in worshiping his service (You know, it’s not like he just liberated Paris boys, you don’t have kiss up to every uniform that sits down in front of you). And they will ever so gently suggest that perhaps the numbers are maybe sort of a bit overstated to make things look good. (Not that they want to imply he’s deliberately lying. No – nobody in the uniform of this county has ever uttered a false statement in their lives especially when it was to serve a policy end that they had already endorsed numerous times).

And there will be howling I tell you howling form the right wing machine that anyone dare question the word of a man in the uniform of this country’s armed forces.

Still isn’t what we are supposed to be fighting for is the right to question the word of a man in uniform, indeed the word of anyone? Especially the word of someone intimated commentated with this Administration, a group of people who have such a high regard for the truth that they won’t share it with the rest of the country.

There is a strange out of touchness about the dance going on here these days – as during the Impeachment – outside the beltway the majority of people thought and continued all during the trail to think is was a stupid idiot idea – and continue to do so. However to this day the inside the beltway crowd sees nothing absurd with the whole carnival.

And now it’s happening again – only this time – lives are being wasted and treasure is being poured into a rat hole in the desert that the insiders don’t wish to abandon because it would mean they would have to admit to a mistake. It’s as horrible as that. Young men and women are going to die or wake up in a hospital bed with arms and legs missing – because they don’t want to admit a mistake.

The stealing and the run of the mill corruption were bad enough. This. This is monstrous.

Makes you long for a Bastille to storm.

Anyway – I understand there is going to be a musical or rock opera based on Manos the Hands of fate – (which does give us hope for the killer sheep musical)

Gig went okay – we had sound problems and as a group we were under rehearsed. I lost part of my voice about ½ through the set – next time make sure you damn hydrate okay? – But Scottish love song did better this time than before – and the new closing song (which I can’t sing at work) went okay. We will be much sharper for the 21st we do promise that.

Anyway – while things are a bit quiet – Mamos – Part IV

Anyway while Mike is trying to fix the car – and moths, attracted by the light are flittering in front of the camera – Torgo is making a move on Maggie – mostly by saying that The Master wants her for his wife and then he says that he wants her – and then slowly like oh so slowly – like taking forever slowly, paint drying watched pot will never fucking boil slowly, reaches out and touches her hair. Maggie – proving herself the kind of passive personality that a jerk like Mike would marry because he can’t stand any challenges to his authority – doesn’t slap the living shit out of Torgo (who due to his bad balance would go down like a felled tree at the first touch) but starts saying “Mike Mike where are you Mike”

We flash to Mike unable to get the car going. Like that’s a surprise.

Torgo apologizes a bit and then Mike comes in saying the car won’t start. Then he barks at Torgo to put the bags back in the house. Again to over compensate about the inability to fix the car.

Then because something has to happen – they both look at the painting again. I’m not sure why – but they do. And as they do their little girl Debbie Gets up off the couch and wanders out the door while they aren’t looking. Then there is panic by Mike and Maggie and they search for Debbie – without actually opening the door that Debbie went through – smart real smart.

They go out side and then find Debbie with – Ta – DA the evil dog from the painting!
Ahhhhh! Debbie takes them to where she found the dog – and there lying on a slab of marble is the Master – standing on pillars near him are women in what looks like Gauze or flimsy gowns (the master’s wives).

Sorry I was going finish this today but work you know – tomorrow I hope to end this nonsense – featuring the longest cat fight in the history of film and a very bad ending indeed. But until then – this item came across the wires (via Newsweek)

“In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is "an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation."

Uh –huh – it’s aimed at the Dalai Lama of course but it’s still stupid.

I mean is there a form to fill out?

Peace Love which way to the Bastille?


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