Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Random Notes & More Manos

Sorry for not posting but work got in the way – about three boxes of things have to be sorted filed and tossed depending – that in addition to my usual duties. And to be fair I’ve done more blogging than I should on company time so – anyway a late post.

I note that W has decided to finally compare Iraq with Vietnam - of course being him he gets it wrong but hell at least the seal is broken.

He made a big deal about the Khmer Rouge who by any standards were monsters but I remember back when Vietnam finally moved in to stop the killing fields – the US government was on Pol Pot's side cause he was against the Vietnamese. Yep. We insisted that the Khmer Rouge were the legitimate government of Cambodia despite killing at least a million people. But hell we supported Saddam for a while as well.

Folks have started referring to the Blue Dog Democrats (who have given W his recent wins in congress) as Bush dog Democrats. They don’t like the label. Good, it was meant to be insulting.

The utter lack of any coherent debate on how to get the hell out of Iraq is merely another indication that within the beltway it is far better to be wrong in the accepted manner than it is to be right. It looks like the only folks invited to the adult table are the ones who supported going into Iraq in the first place. But it was ever thus.

Didn’t check the market but people are just still too greedy and too in love with their own wisdom to suit me.


Manos –

This is going to take a few posts because well I want it to be good and god almighty I’ve actually done research on the damn film.

Anyway, anyway first a personal memory.

It was at least 20 years ago maybe more. I was sitting in the basement of my house watching TV , it was very very late 1:30 am at least I think. I was just flicking around before going to bed (this was the early days of cable before the late night air waves were filled with people peddling baldness cures, weight loss by hitting yourself with a belt or better health via huge bowel movements) when I hit on this film.

I’d like to think it was on TBS but I’m really not sure. In any event I couldn’t turn away. It was horrible. Bad acting? Hell this needed some other word; it was so beyond as in worse that bad acting that even the word horrible wasn’t enough. The camera work was at once unsteady and static, the sound was annoying the voices grating and the action well things happened but I didn’t quite know why.

It was like a train wreck – I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I remember willing myself to stay awake (my body trying to protect me was trying to get me to go to sleep – if we lose consciousness we won’t have to watch this horrible film it was saying) but I stayed awake I had to – I remember saying “this is the worst film I have ever seen in my life” At that point I had not seen Plan Nine From Outer Space – although I had head of it (via The Golden Turkey Awards the last decent thing the Medvid Brothers ever did) so I hung in until the end . Which I absolutely hated. I remember going to be thinking what a damn rotten ending.

Fast forward a few years – like a lot – it’s about 1995-6 Mystery Science Theater was about to release it’s only movie. In addition to that they published a book on the first 7 years of the series (it was going from Comedy Channel to the Sci Fi channel – side note I remember being righteously pissed that the Comedy Channel was canceling MST3K – my nasty comment was – well they canceled the only funny show on the comedy channel – end side note.)

Anyway (yes I use that word a lot) I picked up the book – in the book they descried a film called Manos as “the blecherist most loathsome film we did – of course it was a fan favorite – we were haunted for days”, It was a film called Manos. Well of course as soon as the VHS of Manos was available I got it – and almost ran home to pop it in. I did and as the film started to roll I realized.

Oh my god it’s that film. THAT ONE ! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later .

Peace love NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!



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