Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Orleans, Iraq & Viet Nam, Manos (pt3)

It’s the 2nd anniversary of the flooding of New Orleans – and W is going there for a photo op. What he should be doing is going there and apologizing one at a time to each and every resident of the city – including the thousands still in trailer parks run by FEMA . What a worthless bunch of clowns he and his cronies are. There seems to be a sense inside the beltway that repairing New Orleans is too big a job for the government – the same government (with different folks in charge by the by) that rebuilt Europe after World War 2, went to the moon etc. Can do has been replaced by lethargy and corruption that wouldn’t seem out of place in a third world country.

Meantime there is much hooing and hawing about the current Iraqi prime Minster and the accepted wisdom of the beltway is that he has to go to be replaced by a more secular leader – with Saddam (who, while he was a monster, was at least a secular monster) not an option, a former PM is making noise that he should be the man. He’s more western than the current PM (having lived most of his life outside of Iraq) and has even gone to hiring lobbyists from K Street.

Which reminds me of what happened in Viet Nam – just before JFK”s death. The US had by 1963 become disenchanted with the current leader of South Viet Nam, Diem. It’s a little hazy – but a coup was launched against Diem in late 1963 that had the tacit if not the active support of the US – Diem was shot and a series of strong men took over South Viet Nam. This whole ‘the current pm must go’ noise is oddly similar to this – one hopes the current Iraqi PM will get out with out being shot in the back of the head but Iraq’s a pretty violent place.

Manos – part 3

We watch Torgo stagger into the building. Like he drunk he staggers – It doesn’t help much with the luggage and the Torgo theme.

Inside you get the sense that Mike should have just trusted the car’s lights would work or maybe sleeping under the desert stars wouldn’t have been that bad an idea. The place is a shithole. The couch is something you really don’t want to have touching your body and there is a firepalce, with scupture of a head and some hands and a mostly empty book case and that’s it for the room – (we’re going to spend a lot of time in this room alas).

On the couch Debbie is playing with the poodle (or trying to keep it from running out of the shot – which is more likely) Mike comes in and takes his wife’s hand and points her attention to the painting over the fireplace.

The painting looks like it is of a pissed off Frank Zappa or Bill Buckner wearing some kind of robe – there is a dog.

We look at the painting for a long time – at least 32 seconds – while Mike and his wife talk about how mean looking he and the dog is – we finally get back to mike and his wife (as they watch Torgo labor with their bags – again nice Mike like what you’re king? The man’s having problems but help nahhhhhhhhh.) and then back again to the painting. I suppose they must have thought that some folks might have missed it the first time (yeah mostly those who were running out of the danm theater).

You know – paintings aren’t really scary – even if they are of scary things – so lingering as long as they does nothing, except amp up the tension as when anything was going to happen.

Eventually Torgo returns and there is a conversation about the man in the painting – He is, like we all guessed, is the Master – who is dead but not dead “not dead the way you know it” Torgo says “he is with us always”

The wife is a little freaked out by the painting, Torgo and the awful music and being in this movie – Mike tries to calm her down but come off as a patronizing jerk – any surprise here.

There is a howl and Mike’s wife flips out again (the two actually deserve each other you know?) and the poodle gets off the couch and runs after the sound. Mike and Mike’s wife follow (Debbie has gone from being wide away to sleeping like a log on the couch – or maybe somebody hit her or drugged her while she wasn’t looking. Not matter) Mike yells at his wife then gets a flash light and a gun out of the glove compartment of his car and goes after the poodle.

There is more yelling between Mike and Mike’s wife who says “Oh Mike what kind of place is this? “ I always wanted Mike to say “It’s a bed and breakfast at the mouth of hell, now get back inside” but he doesn’t – he just yells some more, wanders around with the flashlight and then finds the poodle.

The poodle is dead. Mike carefully takes the carcass and moves it out of the light – yeah that’s the thing nobody will ever see this in the morning no. Not at all.

He comes back to his wife (her name we learn is Maggie – Mike and Maggie – you wonder if they had fancy monograms of two M’s merged together on their wedding invitations and what not, probably not given Mikes jerkiness). Freaks out (yet again – like I say they do deserve each other) and then Debbie wakes up and wonders what happed to her dog – at which point both wife and child are crying. Mike decides okay, since you’re so for it we’ll leave. (He sounds like he’d rather stay) Mike then yells at Torgo to put the bags in the car (close up of Torgo looking exasperated) and then he goes out to the car.

Which doesn’t start.

Like nobody saw that happening. It was that or a flat tire.

Got to go – things to do

Peace Love Poodles



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