Sunday, August 26, 2007

Manos Pt 2 - Torgo and big Knees

So when we last left Mike, Mike’s wife and Debbie and the poodle dog they come to the end of the road.

We then flash to a couple that we saw briefly before, they are sitting in a sports car and making out – it doesn’t look too comfortable to be honest – a bigger care would give them some room at least. They seem to be drinking – at least they are drinking something out of a brown bottle – but it could be stake sauce for all we know – no labels there.

As they are sucking face, the sheriff’s deputy who was in the meaningless little scene early shows up and shoos them away. He and his partner will do this what seems to be 23 times during the film – either there is no crime in El Paso or the thought of premarital sex obsesses the sheriff so he keeps following the couple around.

So they turn back. As they do so we flash on some weird looking dude – beard what looks like a bums hat with a rope tied around it. We’re not sure why we’re looking at him but he’s in the shot for a second and then we’re back with the family. They pull onto the side of the road. There is a house there.

The house is supposed to have sudden shown up (spoookkkyyyyy) but considering the way Mike drives he could have just passed by with out seeing it.

They pull into the driveway, we flash to the guy – this time he’s leaning on a staff whit some kind of metal thing on the end of it – like it’s a really really tiny rake. And there’s something wrong with his posture but you can’t quite tell what.

Mike parks the car – he, his wife and his kid get out of the car with him. It’s an uncomfortable looking scene and again we wonder why? Why are we watching this, why did he drag his wife and kid out the car, why did they film the whole thing? What the hell is going on here?

After a long silence – there are a lot of those in this film, the guy (after twitching like he’s getting small electric shocks) speaks.

“I am Torgo; I take care of the place while the master is away.” The voice has a badly dubbed quavering quality like it’s done in stereo but not quite in sync. It’s very strange sounding full of gaps and spastic pauses.

Mike asks directions (you can see it’s killing him to do this) to Valley lodge, Torgo says, after twitching – there is no place like that here. Mike, unlike in his dealing with his wife instantly believes Torgo and asks for a way out (how about back down the damn road you came on nitwit?) and is told (after a pause you can drive a truck though)

“There is no way out. It will be dark soon. There is no way out of here.”

Okay now, a normal human being upon finding he is dealing with some kind of freak/bum/lunatic would slowly put his wife and kid back in the car and leave. Not Mike.
He wants to stay the night. His wife doesn’t’ like the idea. Torgo doesn’t like the idea either – he says the Master would not approve and that the master does not like children.

Mike insists they have no choice (why do the lights on his car not work? In the 20th century dark isn’t the horrible problem it was to folks in the days of stage coaches. I mean just go back up the damn road you came on get back on the highway and find a damn Howard Johnson’s – and stay there.

But no – Mike starts browbeating Torgo – saying the Master wouldn’t throw them out. (How the hell does he know?)

We are now treated to a sequence of no dialogue where the camera jumps from Mike to Torgo to Mike’s wife back to Mike and back to Torgo, back to Mike, back to Mike’s wife and back to Torgo – piano music is played in the background – some kind of foreshadowing is going on here – of more suffering by the audience.

Finally Mike says again “How about it Torgo?” and Torgo says fine (maybe just to shut Mike up) “but the master will be disturbed”

Mike – now back in charge since he got Torgo to agree to let them stay waves that off and tells Torgo to get the bags out of the car – I mean come on – you’re crashing in someone else’s place and you start ordering the caretaker, who has told you his Boss wouldn’t like you staying, start ordering him around like he’s a damn bellhop?

So Torgo heads for the car – and now we see why he was standing funny – Torgo has big Knees. Like really really big knees – which don’t seem to bend much so he staggers around like he’s on the deck of a pitching ship– almost a visual echo of how his voice sounds.

The sound track plays what Tom Servo refers to has the haunting “Torgo Theme” (it sounds like an organ or something going doot doot doot da doot doot do – I’m sure they are using at Gitmo) Finally Torgo manages to get to the car and open the trunk and take out the bags (why take out all the bags guys – you’re just staying overnight. Mike offers no help of course, he’s the man and even though Torgo walks like he’s been hit over the head a lot, he’s not going to help him out.

About Torgo’s Knees – per a couple of websites, the idea was that Torgo was supposed to be a Satyr a half man half goat and that he actually had goat legs (and I’m told hooves). There was some kind device made of wire and foam rubber that was strapped to the actor (John Reynolds – who came to a sad end later) which gave him the look he had.

The story is a bit confused – in one website is says that Reynolds built the device himself in the other is says that someone else (the man playing the master) built the device and Reynolds damaged his knee caps wearing it backwards (which puzzles me a bit – surely at some point he would have said something like – this is killing me guys – is there a way we could fix this up at which point they’d discover it was on backwards).

I’m told that we couldn’t see the hooves in the MST3K version (which is really the only one to watch just trust me on this) because Joel and the Bots block the shot – still the other times we see Torgo’s feet he’s wearing normal shoes. )I’ve yet to see a screen shot of the hooves either. )

Anyway – it’s time to stop – we enter the lair of the master Tuesday.

Peace, Love, Knees



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