Tuesday, August 21, 2007

No Shortage of Bastards

No time to do anything much today – so this will be very short.

My sister said over the weekend that there is no shortage of Bastards in this world. As a perfect example the White House has moved to restrict access to a federal program that insures children. One New Jersey state spokesman said she was “horrified” by the new regs – which were sent out late Friday afternoon.

Someone has written a bizarre article in something called the Family Security Foundation that called for W to declare himself president for life as did Creaser when Rome was in crisis.

I didn’t know my head could spin 360 degrees around before I read this (they’ve scrubbed it from the site but it lives in Google forever) a few things – 1) this is very very crazy 2) at least Creaser had managed to conquer Gaul when he set himself up as dictator, he wasn’t stuck in an endless occupation 3) The only thing W and Creaser have in common is that they walk on two legs 4) Caesar’s move was the end of a long long period of political turmoil and civil war not, as this would be, the start of it.

They also want Iraq and Iran nuked.

Joe Lieberman is now saying as long as we’re in the neighborhood, why not bomb Syria.

Dick Cheney is now saying he is not part of the executive branch. Why? To not answer a subpoena to the executive branch. Wait till he needs executive privilege and he’ll claim it. It’s a wonder this guy doesn’t vanish in a blast of fire and smoke that reeks of brimstone.

Michael Vick has plead guilty to charges relating to dog fighting. I got nothing.

Was watching Atlantis the lost continent a film by George Pal from 1960 Friday night - it’s dumb trivial poop really but one thing stuck me. In the film Atlantis is the greatest nation in the world, far ahead of any others in terms of wealth power scientific achievement and yet the rulers live in fear of an imagined attack and conquest by barbarians. The speech made by the heavy justifying Atlantis going to war with the world sounded for all the world like a neo-con right wing screed about how the isalmofacists and illegal immigrants are going to take over the US. It was spooky, especially with what happened to Atlantis. Cause there’s that global warming thing as well.

Foreclosures in July were up 93% over last year’s July total. What’s making this worse is that the mortgages were packaged and bundled and sold all over the world so a homeowner trying to try and work things out has nobody to talk to. Not that the powers that be care – they are screaming for more money for well to do since they are the ones taking the hit on the street.

As my sister said.

Peace Love and maybe just a few less bastards please?


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