Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sorry No Manos -but Piltdown and stuff.

No time for Manos today. (Maybe later)

Very short and to the point.

Another rat over the side: Alberto Gonzales is gone. I’m honestly not sure why – he seemed invulnerable to all of the standard pressures – like being caught telling lies and not remembering anything at all about anything, which for most people would be enough but not Gonzo. Up until a week ago it looked like a dead sold cert he was staying. What happened? Who knows maybe without the support of King Rat (Karl) he got pushed over the side to feed the wolves. Indeed the current MSM lullaby is now that W has removed the evil and so so bad Karl and Al, his pure at heart and noble instincts will again come to the forth and Hawk Cough choke – sorry even I can sustain that level of sarcasm.

File under – what the hell is wrong with these people: A US Senator is just revealed pleaded guilty back in June to public solicitation in a men’s bathroom. – the Senator Larry Craig (R – Idaho) was busted back in June in Minneapolis – I won’t go into details cause it’s pretty damn skevey – but god in hell is every GOP Senator who goes railing about family values and the dangers of gays marrying a huge closet case? Or is it just safer to assume this?

Almost finished with Ivan T. Sanderson’s Abominable Snowman book and I’m disappointed – it’s a pretty scatter shot book – and in the end requires us to swallow that there is not one but no less than 4 Bigfoot type beasts wandering out there in the wild places of the world. Pretty hard to take – even if one of the proposed groups is a pygmy version said to be in the same areas in Southeast Asia where the (still controversial) prehistoric dwarf human nicknamed the Hobbit has been found. Even so 3 large (6-8 ft tall) bipedal hairy ape-men wandering the landscape was a bit hard to take in 1960 when he wrote the book, now in 2007 it’s even harder – it’s been 47 years and not a sausage.

Still the thing that killed it for me was his discussion of Piltdown – for folks who don’t know the Piltdown man was a fraud – a bunch of bones treated and altered and broken to look very very old – which was ‘discovered’ in 1912 or so – I forget the exact date – it wasn’t uncovered as a hoax until 1953 – but Ivan still uses some of it (the skull parts he said were 50,000 – 100,000 years old – but the skull is early medieval at best) to boost his claim that proto-humans are wandering about.

Frankly I’d like as much as the next person to discover that the Yeti do roam the high valleys in Asia – I just think using a known fraud to support your point makes a reader doubt everything else you write. I mean if your judgment is that bad on this, what about the other things?



Peace Love, Yeti


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