Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor day, This and that and Beowulf Movies

Well – Labor Day has come and gone – the semi official end of summer.

Congress comes back and will be lied to about how things are going in Iraq. Alas indications are they are going to accept being lied to and not do anything except let people get killed. Not even die. Get killed.

W flew in for a surprise visit to Iraq – because it’s too damn dangerous for him to be flown in when people know he’s coming – which says volumes about how safe it is in Iraq. He spent some hours in a military base that is home to some 10,000 troops tons of planes and guns and per news reports has a 13 mile wide parameter- if the President of France flew into Area 51 and then addressed the press to say how well the reconstruction of New Orleans is going it would be about what he did.

Lets face it Winston Churchill he ain’t (he never was and he will never be) – the young lad has a very very highly developed concern for his own skin.

Need to search for an Insect Mask today – the last one went missing after the Luna Lounge gig and well – Insect Girl isn’t insect girl without it yes? So This will be a short blog. (note got the mask – not as ugly as the last one but it’ll do for Otto’s I think).

It’s a god awful thing to realized that one a presidential candidate has stood up and said if he is elected there will be no more gulags and warrentless wiretaps of American citizens and two – he’s going to get hammered for it in the press as being weak on terrorism (after they mock his hair cuts).

I see in the polls that Edwards despite the endless mockery by the Mainstream is actually gaining some ground in the polls lately. I suspect the reason is that he is saying things like “No More Gulags” and “Universal health care” rather than giving out lists of Republicans he would work with or hinting that we might go and bomb Pakistan as long as the bombers aren’t doing anything in Iran that day.

The last thing this country needs is someone who promises not to rock the boat – especially of the people who got us into this mess in the first place.

I see that somebody is doing a movie version of Beowulf with Angelina Jolie as Grendel’s mother – it might be good but I suspect it will end up being more like Ator the fighting Eagle with Miles O’Keefe with a big budget and lots of CGI (some years ago (1999) Christopher Lambert made a odd steam punk/middle ages version of Beowulf - which was also awful – does the world need 2 film versions of an old English epic Poem in less than 10 years?).

Still I’m fairly sure that the reason this got made is Tolkien. Not only are folks still trying to make another Lord of the rings film – the kicker here is that JRR Tolkien’s day job was a language professor at I think Oxford and his major scholarly work was about , ta da Beowulf where in 1937 he insisted that scholars treat the poem as a work of art rather than something to mine for historical bits (Like someone using a Tale of Two Cities in 2910 to gleam details about The French Revolution – side note M. Thatcher was an insufferable ass in 1989 (the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution) and as part of that gave the French President a copy of A Tale of Two Cities and later went on to blame the French revolution for communism. She was out of power shortly afterwards – end side note).

Getting back to Beowulf I’m sure that producer sold this film like this.

Producer: Tolkien wrote about it
Studio head (starting awake): What Tolkien wrote it?
Producer’s assistant: Well not as – (drops to ground producer elbows him in stomach)
Studio head: What was that?
Producer: He can’t handle drugs
SH: Kids these days
Producer: Yes
SH: So Tolkien wrote it
Producer: Wrote about it
SH: Same difference. Tolkien go for it.

Or some such.

More paperwork.


Peace Love Grendel’s Mother


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