Thursday, August 30, 2007

Random thoughts on a busy day

Busy again – manos will again have to wait for a calmer time – the rush to finish every damn thing by Labor Day continues apace.

There is a rising chorus for Larry Craig – the bathroom guy – to resign among the GOP oddly enough – although since Idaho has a Republican Governor if Larry quits the gov. seems sure to appoint a GOP party member to serve out the term.

This however is not the case of the diaper wearing hooker using Senator from Louisiana (also a member of the GOP) since the gov of Louisiana is a democrat and not after Katrina (and the constant sliming of him and the Mayor of New Orleans by GOP hacks saying at the State was responsible for Katrina) very enamored of anything republican is would be pretty likely to appoint a democrat to the Senate

Which would for one thing render Lieberman a moot point. I’ve noticed a) some idiot suggested him for Attorney General which proves that glue sniffing among pundits is still huge problem and b) he seems to be less the TV flavor of the month these days after his hell let’s bomb Syria speech. Guess there are limits. Even for TV.

Band has a gig at the Luna Lounge again – Oct 21st 8:30 pm get the word out. Yeah it’s a Sunday but hell you never were out late Sunday? Sheesh. Come you’ll have a damn good time. We will why not you? You deserve it.

Looking forward to the weekend – tomorrow will be of course madness but at about 2 pm New York will just empty out and well I won’t be able to get anything done after that. I’ll be spending the rest of the day e-mailing people “I’m sorry X is out until Tuesday – X will handle that when X is back in the office).

I think actually the Mets have an excellent chance of utterly blowing it by the end of next week. We’ll see but I’m not optimistic – they have never gotten the élan of last year back. I don’t know why they just haven’t. I know a bit about baseball but I don’t know that much. And to quote Louis Tiant pitcher for the expos and red sox “about this game you don’t know nuthin’”. Baseball keeps me humble because I’m wrong so often.

Speaking of wrong – W is banging the war drum about Iran. Well why not? Why not complete the cluster fuck and have done with it. spare us the suspense of wondering if you are going to follow the invasion of Iraq (the worst foreign policy decision made by the United States as in well fucking ever) with attacking Iran (which would then take first place from the Invasion of Iraq).

I don’t get this – the army’s breaking down before our eyes – we can’t keep the troops supplied with the proper equipment (I don’t know how when we spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined we have shortages of equipment but we do. Being a cynical person I suspect we’re being robbed. Like a lot). Iraq’s a complete disaster (a leaked GAO report paints a grim pic – it was leaked cause someone at the GAO was convinced that W and his thugs would blue pencil the damn thing to make it sound better – wonder why anybody would think that?) We don’t even have England in our corner anymore – and yet the beltway establishment is pondering attacking Iran like it is a reasonable idea rather than the bat shit crazy ravings of a group of mad men, who in order to prevent them from doing further harm should be taken away and put in a hospital and have thorzine squirted down their throats with a turkey baster.

And I expect congress to show as much backbone as a slinky pull toy – the only thing I’ve noticed that maybe will change that is that several congressmen have gone home to their voters and have been read the riot act. Yeah nice lunches from lobbyists are fun but you have to get re-elected to keep them. Who knows? It might help – I don’t think it will but I’d like to be wrong here.
Word has come that Hillay Kristal the founder of CBGB's has passed away. I don't have the time to say enough now other than he remembered the first time the Ramones came in he wasn't sure if they were there to play or to try and fence the stuff.

Got to go – another crisis.

Pic is from New Orleans art collective.

Peace Love when the hell is Saturday?


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