Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sleepless, Probes, Goats and Adieu Maestro

No time to do anything busy busy busy

Need some sleep – not sure why but that is hard to come by these days. The worst part was last night I was having a dream where I couldn’t sleep. Now that tells you something about how tired I’ve gotten.

And the worst thing about the dream was in the dream I got out of bed to see what time it was. And the clock said it was about 2 minutes until I had to get up.

And then I woke up – it was about 3 am. Pretty damn disoriented I can tell you

Random Neural Firings:

The Senator Larry Craig saga is becoming utterly absurd. People are calling for a boycott of the airport where he got busted. He is saying he’s changing his mind about leaving the Senate and the Guilty Plea (it’s not clear if he can do that and even if he can it means he might get slapped with a heavier charge) and his lawyer urged the Senate Ethics panel (which has to really have a busy damn schedule) not to invest gage Larry – which led to a rather unfortunate headline:

“Lawyer says Senate should not probe Craig”

Yes I know.

Other headline that caught my eye:

Airline sacrifices goats to appease sky god

“KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Officials at Nepal's state-run airline have sacrificed two goats to appease Akash Bhairab, the Hindu sky god, following technical problems with one of its Boeing 757 aircraft, the carrier said Tuesday. “

Which reminded me that people are staring to talk about the Chupacabra (lit. goat sucker) again for some reason. I don’t know why but a woman in the southwest somewhere claims the body she found is that of the Chupacabra (the police insist it was a dog)

Well see. Still a headline that contains the words ‘X Sacrifices Goats” is going to get my attention every time. (Poor damn goats)

The World of Music is a little quieter today – Luciano Pavarotti has passed away at the age of 71 from cancer. (I don’t know why that seems that young to me – maybe because it’s only 20 years before I’m 70 – ouch. Need to get out more – enough of that).

Luciano was THE tenor for a long time and has set the bar pretty damn high. I was fortunate enough to have seen him several times when he was in his prime.

I will always remember one turn he did as the Prince (or duke, it’s not that important) Verdi’s Rigoletto. There is a famous aria in the Opera for the part (full disclosure I am something of an Opera Buff – not full fledged but I do enjoy it go once in a while as well).

So when he sang this Aria from the opera "La donna è mobile" ("Woman is fickle") and I remember that, that night (this is well over 25 years ago now) he just nailed it – absolutely and utterly nailed it, it got a 10 from all the judges – even the Bulgarian – it was so perfect it, gave you chills to hear it. I swear he could sing it again a 1,000 times and never do it better. (One of the magics of a live performance) – And the audience – well it’s hard to describe. This roar, this noise that emerged the instant he finished the aria was like nothing I’ve heard – then people were cheering, throwing flowers, people in the upper seats tearing up their programs and throwing the pieces over the side so they would float down like confetti. I’d never seen anything like it before and I’ve never quite seen it as wild since then at the Met.

He was a big man who lived a big life – with its ups and downs and lefts and rights. He’s left us too soon – but we have his recordings and those of us lucky enough to have seen and heard him, we have our memories.

Adieu Maestro

Peace, Love, Bel Canto


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