Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tod of Spengo and Insect Masks

“It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.”

When the history of this foul era is written quotes like this (My mind absolutely refuses to remember who penned this drivel) will be a source of absolute wonder and a cause for hooting and laughing – hopefully the hooting and laughing will be done by Americans amazed at how stupid we were and how far we come rather than the rest of the world using the quote to illustrate what caused the fall of America.

I mean this is on a level with the worship of Tod the lord of Spengo from “Mon and Dad Save the Universe”

Recently our insane mushwit nimrod warmonger – sorry - the president gave an extremely weird interview to so someone who is writing a bio of him. Among other things – he said that his first order of business after leaving the white house will be to get on the speaking circuit to raise money – which shows a level of self delusion not seen in many people. Does he really think folks are going to pony up big bucks to hear him talk? Maybe but he, once he leaves the office, has no sugar to give. I suppose they might toss a few gigs his way as part of the ongoing right wing welfare system but let’s face it – he speaks English like he’s trying to read the speech phonetically off the teleprompter. It’s painful to listen to for even a few minutes.

This could be why he doesn’t get asked very many questions at press things – a question means you have listen to him answer it. And since you’re just going to get a kind of word salad with freedom and words like that tossed in like croutons there really isn’t any point.

The other thing he said, which is damn weird, is that he said he cries, and he talked about how much he cried – he didn’t quite say why he cried. I suspect it’s all about him, how his dreams have smashed by that oh so nasty real world thing.

He’s currently in Australia hiding from the demonstrators there.

Here’s one thing he should really consider if he wants to go on a speaking tour – there are a great many people in this country who can be counted on to be out on the streets holding rude signs where ever he goes – and while as an ex-president he does have Secret Service protection he isn’t going to have the power to order the streets to be swept of people before he arrives at his destination. He’ll want to but as a private citizen he won’t be able to. It’s something he should consider.


Got new insect masks for the band – it was a fun moment to walk into a costume store and say “I need an insect mask” to the store clerk.
“An insect mask?”
“Yeah fly, grasshopper, bug something like that.”
“Let me check” picks up intercom “Ted do we have an insect mask?”
“Yeah bug, grasshopper, fly whatever.”

Turns out they did have a mask – it was smaller and plastic a ½ face mask more like a kids Halloween mask not the hideous rubber nightmare we had (which insect girl could not see out of anyway) – it’ll work for the moment – I bought all three that they had (better safe that sorry) and we’ll see how they look in the pics. We might try and get a new rubber one but – for now we have a mask.

I am told that the cd is finally mixed an on its way. the problem now is that a) we don’t sound like that anymore – the album was The Enemy Below and myself only, and b) we’ve dropped some of the songs from the set list in favor of other newer ones – this is not the exact same problem Cheap Trick faced when their live album hit just as they had ditched a lot of the songs that were on that album from their live set –but it’s along the same lines

Got to go – things to do.

Peace, love, Insect Masks.


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