Thursday, September 13, 2007

Todd Speaks and Reads and Sasquatch

Well the emperor Todd is going to speak tonight. He will urge America to ‘understand’ (as he is urged more than once to understand things by his aides) that things are, despite what looks like a wrecked country torn asunder by sectarian strife with no end in sight – Iraq is just fabulous – especially in Anbar province.

The only trouble with this glowing review is that pesky reality keeps getting in the dam way. News has come in that one of our biggest allies in Anbar has just been blown to bits.

While the us is blaming Al-Queida for this (it must be noted that the US currently blames Al-Queida for everything that goes wrong in Iraq including sandstorms) there are more than a few Sunni Groups which could have done the deal. The Sheik Abu Risha was more of a thug than a real nationalist leader and used us support to try to become the capo of Anbar – hence in some ways the mob style hit.

Still it has to be embarrassing for Todd to go and cite Anbar and days later a very bad thing happens to the guy you had the photo op with while you were hiding from the bad part of Iraq inside a massive US military base.

But he’s never really embarrassed – about anything.

I notice the book Dead Certain a book about W by someone who got to listen to him jabber during several interviews (god what a toll that must have taken) Draper, the author comes away saying he likes the man. But the interesting part is that in his liking he misses points that leap out at others – and have.

In an interview Draper again supported the surprising intelligence of W – a) citing a withering take down of some tax policy support and anybody that reads Comac McCarthy isn’t dumb.

Okay – the first point. W does have an MBA – which is mostly accounting and math so presuming he’s at least familiar with that sort of thing – also one must never count out the fact that he got the withering questions from someone else.

Two as far as reading – well I can only point out this exchange in A Fish Called Wanda.

“Wanda :To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people. I've known sheep who could outwit you. I've worn dresses with higher IQs, but you think you're an intellectual, don't you, ape?
Otto: Apes don't read philosophy.
Wanda: Yes they do, Otto, they just don't understand it.”

So let’s not automatically presume anything deep is going on here. Like when was the last time W quoted a book – ever?

There was also an interesting WTF moment about the famous video meeting between Heck of a job Brownie and W where Brown listed the facts of the situation and W just sat there, grunted something and let New Orleans drown – Draper says that W had been on a pretty hard bike ride the day before so he was lethargic and unresponsive.

WTF? I mean WTF to end all WTFs. How about a cup of coffee or two to get W’s mental processes kick started a bit – and I thought all that workout stuff made your brain better. And shit if you can't shake off your physical problems to deal with the possible total destruction of a major city, just what the hell does get your attention? And if riding your damn bike makes you incapable of exercising your office the next day – don’t ride the damn bike meathead.


Reading Bigfoot Apes in America by Loren Coleman – which has some interesting stuff – including alas a bit that confirmed that Ivan T. Sanderson was a bit too credulous when reading what was printed in the papers – there is a pretty famous story from 1884 or thereabouts about Jacko supposedly an ape like creature that was captured in the area where Bigfoot is said to stomp about. Turns out, if you follow the trail it just peters out and the paper published in the town were the capture was supposed to have taken place only reported the sheriff’s irritation with the mobs of curious trying to break into his jail for a glimpse of the creature – which wasn’t there.

Also there is a long part about the Patterson film. I remember as a kid waiting for my clarinet lesson to start reading in a magazine about this film –this was my jr high school years or earlier I’d quit by high school – I could never a) make any interesting noise with the damn thing and b) the actual musical repertory for the clarinet wasn’t that interesting to me anyway –

As a side note I remember that it was in Jr High School band that I discovered that I wasn’t much into institutional mandated competition – when I joined the band I was told about first and second and third clarinet, then first chair and what not – the band director told us you had to challenge the guy above you to advance. I remember thinking at the exact moment I heard that “well screw that” and for the 2 or so years I was in the band didn’t do a single challenge. Thought it was a stupid waste of time and designed to make folks miserable as well.

I’ve never done a battle of the bands either. Although I think we may well be on our way to the being the best band in New York.

End side note.

Amway back to the Patterson Bigfoot film – it’s either one of the most amazing pieces of film in human history or a brilliant fake. There real are no other choices here. There have been a lot of attempts to prove it’s a fake but the one I saw was a shoddy and quick fox deal - guys saying over and over again ‘it’s a fake’ doesn’t make it a fake. But they’ve never quite gotten the recreations right – Fox did a recreation where the film makers where right on top of the guy in the suit – but that only recreated the close up which are enlargement of the original film. Like I said they didn’t try too hard there.

Me? I’m torn – I just can’t really accept huge apes wandering around the pacific northwest – as much as I would like to. There just isn’t enough damn food for one thing – Gorillas live in rain forests for a reason – they pretty much have to be eating all the damn time all the damn day – and the northwest just doesn’t have enough greenery – where an ape can get to it – and there is the added problem of winters – we, hypothetical snowman aside, are the only member of the ape family that lives in temperate or artic climes. The rest are creatures of the tropics – hell primates in general don’t stray much from the tropical zones.

Well more as I finish the book – again while I’d personally like there to be a Bigfoot, I’m leading towards there isn’t one unless better data shows up.

Peace, Love, Sasquatch


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