Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Beautiful Day - and how to spoil my own mood

It’s a day to play hooky – the first real fall day – it’s not really fall but there is no humidity – It’s about 10 degrees cooler than yesterday and just feels like fall.

Not a day to spend typing or filing or doing what we all do – this is a damn it’s good to be alive day – to spend walking central park and having a good meal somewhere.

Now to depress myself.

The president is going to go on national television tomorrow night and say – that he will order the withdrawal of 30,000 troops from Iraq – and hint at further withdrawals dependent upon improved security in Iraq. Sounds good – only thing it’s an absolute crock of shit.

The troops first will not be withdrawn until the summer. The other point is that these troops would be withdrawn anyway no matter what the situation in Iraq was – the army is dangerously overstretched by the surge and they can not sustain troop levels in Iraq as they are without compromising other missions. That was true the day W decided to increase troop levels. To suggest the coming withdrawal is a result of improved conditions in Iraq is a lie. An utter self serving blatant lie.

The other thing that leaps out at me is that he’s taking about doing this in the summer of 08. June of 08 and all that. That’s a damn long time and there are so many things that can happen between now and then.

The only marginally good thing about this is that he’s going on Television to announce this – which mean’s support for him and the war will dip even more. His speeches on Iraq have been empty rhetoric delivered in a faux Texas accent that makes one long for deafness combined with a hectoring tone “what the American people must understand” that is very off putting – at least for those who bother to listen to him.

Every time I hear him speak (and I do this as little as possible) I am reminded of the crack that W talks about things like he’s talking to an idiot because that’s the way they are explained to him.

Meantime Lieberman proving that he is a vile little man down to the depths of his prissy little soul is upset we’re not bombing Iran. That’s just fucking sick.

And meantime in Iraq itself – Cholera has returned – people are short of food because supplies can’t get to dangerous areas and The US HQ was hit by a rocket or motor attack – not a lot of damage but enough to send the message – you are not safe.

I expect food riots in the near future. Let’s see the mothers try and spin that one.

Meantime the General said like out loud that he didn’t know if winning in Iraq would make us more secure.

Jesus – makes you long for a big bottle of gin – not to drink it but to bash it against you head in utter frustration.

Busy again.

But the fall is coming we need to organize - the play and the next set – and rehearsal – if ottos taught us anything it taught us we need to be like really really tight – well they did say comedy is hard.

And get the performance for the musical set up – in a couple of weeks we look to have a run through again – close up some holes in the book see what happens with we hope 6 actors doing the acting and singing.

Gotta Dance!

Sorry just came out.

I know I said more Manos but that’s not gonna happen today either. I’ll finish the damn thing this weekend or give it up as a bad idea – and move on to Plan Nine.

Peace Love Gotta Dance!


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