Monday, August 20, 2007

Folkfest, stuff and Manos

I enjoyed the Philadelphia folk fest – it was a beautiful day not too hot (other times I remember spending most of my time pouring water on my head waiting for the sun to go down) the music was good and the vibe was well.

Well it’s pretty much hippies and folkies which makes it a very very mellow vibe – I also think that they don’t allow booze in the performance areas (just about anything goes in the camp grounds I’m told) also adds to the laidback ness of the whole thing. I’m personally too tightly wound to feel entirely comfortable in the atmosphere for more than a day or so but it’s nice to get away for a while.

Son Volt played, while good they didn’t really wow me – don’t know why It maybe the songs were all a bit too much alike and sung in the same style – don’t know – I liked it but wasn’t as taken with it as my brother in law and sister were – but they were fans for a while before.

My favorite was something called Old Springs Pike which has 3 guys and girl all in their early 20’s who just tore it up on stage – four part harmony – furiously strummed acoustic guitars and enough energy to light a small town – they are one of the few acts I’ve ever seen with a stand up drum kit – just amazing stuff. Them I will see again.

One thing I noticed was they cut Betty LaVett’s (a soul singer who gave you the impression she felt every note as she sang it) set short during an instrumental break someone came from off stage and spoke to her, – and then when the song was ending she said “thank you and good night” and walked off cold, no bow nothing.

There was also no announcement that she would be up at the CD tent later (which is a folk fest tradition and a way for bands to sell more cds yes?).

The next guy came up (after a very very lengthy break where a banjo was tuned over and over again. I remember thinking come on guys it’s a banjo they don’t tune) we were given a kind of lecture on the history of Hobart Smith with banjo music. It wasn’t bad but I could have done with less lecture and more music and maybe just a little more of the soul singer yes?

W in talking to the Egyptian president described himself as a dissident. From what? Reality? You’re the president – granted a hugely unpopular and unsuccessful president a historically colossal failure but you’re the president, you stand at the heart of the establishment, men bow and curtsy and fawn and kiss the hem of your gown (when you wear a gown – when that is I don’t want to know) inside the beltway you are still powerful (for unknown reasons) your wisdom on Iraq, such as it is, is the prevailing wisdom in Washington. Honestly you’re as much a dissident as Stalin was.

The great relief when this nightmare is over is that at the next UN General Assembly, the president of the United Sates won’t be automatically the stupidest person in the room.

Judging by the reports I’m seeing in the blogs – democratic members of the House and Senate are getting raked over the coals about a) the wiretapping fold and b) impeachment as in how about it.


I also notice that the market isn’t quite convinced that what the fed did Friday is going to work. I’m not surprised at this – during a credit crunch it doesn’t always help to give the banks money, if they aren’t that interested in lending it. Also there wasn’t quite the sense of despair and defeat that you need to see before things go back up – too many folks are still impressed with their genius and in a down market that’s a bad sign – hell you almost end up defrauding yourself. We’ll see just what goes the next few days.

While the right wing seems nostalgic for the gilded age of the late 19th century – the economy was far more prone to huge drops back then – they called them panics back then and while the term has been replaced with the more neutral sounding words (down turn rather than recession now a days) it’s still a good description of the mood - at least on Wall street.

Mets won 3 games in row for the first time in what seems like years – I also note that the bucs took two out of three from the phillies – so it is just vaguely possible that the pirates are getting a little better rather than the Mets failure to sweep them meaning the season is over.

Manos – oh god I’m not sure I want to but I will give it a bash.

A lot of stories you read in almost any field of human endeavor are of the type were someone decides hey! I could do better than that and goes and does. Manos is an example of a guy who decides he could do better than that but doesn’t.

Anyway in 1965 Hal Warren a fertilizer salesman from El Paso decided he wanted to make a movie.

And he did.

More to come.

Peace, Love, I am Torgo



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