Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mets Win, Missing Aussie Football, real monsters and Sunshine

Well that’s better.

I’m not going to make this a Met’s blog – there are far too many good ones already out there and besides The Enemy Below and Insect Girl are passionate Yankee fans – I’m not sure if the rest even care that much about the baseball – as mad as I am for it.

I’m not sure if I really really want to get the in demand baseball package for my cable – well yeah I do –despite the fact I’m going to find myself up at 2 in the morning unwilling to go to bed until the A’s and Mariners finish the extra inning game I just stumbled onto in the 11th inning

Along the lines of sports - I kind of miss Australian league football – it used to be broadcast on the Fox Sports channel (which is now the Fox Soccer Channel so they don’t broadcast other sports like say Rugby or Australian League football – which they broadcast at 3 in the morning most of the time (live feed from Australia don’t ya know).

It’s a pretty odd game, it’s played in the winter in Australia on the cricket grounds – mostly the game consists of trying to run bouncing the ball about – punting the ball to some one on your side who then gets a chance to punt it to someone else or punt it thru the goal posts – there are two sets – one scores 6 the other wider ones score 1 – scoring tends to be pretty high – just looked at one score it was 78-122. But the real attraction of the game of course is watching guys collide in mid air trying to get the ball – for some reason I found the herky jerky stop start of the game – combined with the odd violent collision to be very relaxing when I couldn’t sleep – but as I noted Fox Soccer Channel doesn’t put these games on anymore – anymore than the rugby – which I also miss.

Well meantime in the news – it seems that torture done by the CIA was licensed and supervised by high level administration officials namely Dick Cheney, Ashcroft, Rice, Rumsfeld, Powel among others – would sign of on who to torture (at the CIA’s request it seems) and sometimes what means to use.

A few things – one the abc story tries to make this sound less horrible than it is by citing some arrests of high ranking Al Queda Operatives (one of the dozen or so number twos running around their) now the only deal here is that these folks saying this are the ones who were in charge of the torture themselves so they aren’t going to be saying it didn’t work and the are silent on a disturbingly large number of folks who were guilty of nothing but still got treated like they were Ben Ladden’s number one guy.

The other thing here is one very prominent name is missing from the list of “principles’ as they were called – yep – the president of the United States wasn’t at these meetings – either because they wanted that plausible denial bit or they just told him to go play with the pencils while they made up their mind because he’s too damn stupid (I suspect it’s a bit of both).

Monsters in expensive suits is what they are.

Meantime – the Florida legislature – in a bit to make everybody nervous as hell when they are out shopping have voted to allow employees to bring their guns to work. Remember that when shopping – the clerk making a hash out of your order may be a sullen underpaid angry clerk – but instead a sullen underpaid heavily armed angry clerk. And considering the tensions between workers and management at various big box stores I expect to be reading about fire fights between management and disgruntled Wal Mart employees in the future “I will not stock the Neal Diamond albums in the rock albums set”

Meantime in China I have read they are thinking about taking the guns away from distressed police officers and cops undergoing romantic or other personal problems. This just seems common sense. You really don’t want people in the mist of an emotional crisis to be going about heavily armed.

Speaking of which I saw that Charlton Heston died a while back – no note if a gun was pried from his cold dead fingers – sorry couldn’t resist.

It’s the first really really nice day of spring so I’m just going to stop and go outside for a bit – I think I’ve got the hook for robot Butt Sex but I need to work it a bit before I present it to the band.

Peace love writing songs in the sunlight


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