Friday, April 04, 2008

Busy, No C.O. Random Shea Stuff and Brain Bleaching

Sorry for the light blogging I’ve been busy

I’ve noticed that a large part of people’s work these days is doing reports of the work they did. It seems kind of pointless on some level – is doing a report about the work you did really work or just some sinister trick by the man to grind you down.

As a side note I don’t even think there is anybody you can call the man anymore – Well Dick Cheney but even he seems more like he’s going along with the flow of some out of control machine rather than making any real decisions – it’s the scene in Apocalypse now where there a base under constant fire where they build a bridge everyday and every night the bridge is destroyed by the Viet Cong and NVA and there is show with playboy bunnies and the entire time Martin Sheen is trying to find the C.O. until he figures out – there is no commanding officer – the whole thing is on auto pilot.

And that’s what it feels like here in the us of a these days (I’m not alone in at least thinking something is damn wrong – last survey show 81% of general public thinks things are bad and getting worse – the other 19% you don’t trust with string.) we’re just off the rails and nobody’s in charge or even thinking about steering - all we have are people fighting over who has the best seat in the hand basket.

Well that said – we have rehearsal Sunday and then another gig the next Sunday the 13th – it’s strange even when I was solo I’d always try and have a gig on or near April 15th for obvious reasons, glad I’m keeping up the tradition.

Opening day will soon be upon us – The Mets opening day that is – we’ll see what the year holds – Pedro getting hurt sure as heck didn’t help but well Santana is going to be a big help – provided he doesn’t’ get hurt and last years melt down is well last years melt down – Atlanta seems to be the hip pick these days but their pitching staff is even more brittle than the mets – heck 3 games in and their bullpen was overworked – not a good sign.

Going to opening day yes – again – it’s like my 22nd opening day and it’ll be the last one at Shea Stadium – it was never a ball park the people loved like say Wrigley or Yankee Stadium or Fenway or Ebbets field - it was a place you went to see the Mets – constructed in the early 1960’s it was one of the dual use stadiums that were popular at that time - the Jets until the 1980’s called Shea home as well – If you ever wondered why you were sitting on a corner of a field level seat when you were looking in at home plate from Shea – that’s why – at one time the lower field level seats were on rollers and they would be moved to allow a football field to fit more comfortably into Shea. You can look it up – until the Giants moved to Jersey they played their games at Yankee Stadium whose dimensions required one end zone to be only Nine Yards deep - ah the old days yes?

I take my eye off the news for a minute and I miss things like the head of Formula One racing has been caught – on tape – with hookers while dressed as a Nazi playing ‘concentration camp games’ I don’t know what the hell that is but I feel the need to bleach my brain after reading that. It’s the kind of thing you read in fiction – really who the hell goes that far over the top in pursuit of getting one’s rocks off? Again it isn’t about sex really – if he wanted to get laid there are far far simpler ways to do that – it’s power again. Pretty damn sick as well – ugh more bleach for the brain.

Meantime – to nobody’s real surprise our trained Iraqi forces turned out to be less effective, far less effective than advertise. Once again we read that about 1,000 Iraqi troops and Policemen simply quit rather than join in the attack – taking their weapons with them mind you as well.


Meantime – meantime – it looks like we’re going to have a nasty floor fight for accreditation of the Michigan and Florida Delegates – Hilary’s side is saying this is allow the votes of the people there to be heard – especially since the only pledged delegates from either state are hers. I’m beginning to really really dislike her and her tactics. It’s cheap and underhanded and god haven’t we had enough all of us?

Anyway back to the making of the lists of things I have lists of.
Mets girl drawn by Rob Ullman.

Peace Love where’s the C.O?


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