Friday, March 28, 2008

Robots and a review! (a good one too!)

One of the songs we’re kicking around when we have a moment is something with the title Robot Butt Sex – as it stands now the joke/hook of the song is simply hearing the ladies sing “robot butt sex” which one must admit is not something you hear every day – and I figure is well worth writing the damn thing just to hear that.

Anyway looking on the web I see that they are working on some kind of small robot that will climb up your butt – the stated purpose is to make for an easier and more comfortable way of checking for colon cancer – but knowing humans ability to pretty much pervert anything they get their hands one – the step to climb up your butt robots with special vibrating options is not a big one .

Meantime well you might have know this was going to happen – the very instant W says that things in Iraq are going well – the place erupts into chaos – the right wing is getting a bit peeved at the coverage the increased violence is getting because it undercuts the message that things are okay in Iraq. It’s not that things are okay in Iraq they just want folks to think that so John (more of the same) McCain can talk about staying in Iraq for 100 years without people thinking maybe it’s better that John be put in the home rather than in the white house.

We were given a very nice review in a blog called “Review your face”
Go read it. I’m blushing. Really. It’s that complementary.

Next week I’d like to get in at least one movie post – I haven’t done that in a while – but as I have noted things have been busy.

The baseball season starts soon - I think the Mets will do better this year – simply stated they couldn’t do much worse – Santana is going to – minus bad injuries – give the team the ace they needed – they may not score as many runs as they did last year but if Pedro is okay and John Maine continues to improve well they may not need to score that many runs.

Got a gig coming up on the 13th at the Amex – after the mad fun I had at the last gig – I’m looking forward to this a lot – then will be the mad build up to the cd release party (you are coming yes?) and that looks like well a pretty super time all around.

Sorry for the short post but I’m just whipped kids.

Peace Love Robot Butt Sex.


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