Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Rut, A Dull Phantom, Random Notes and Airbrushed nipples

In bit of a rut – need to go or do something different with myself – I’m just working, going home watching something and going to bed – my mind is starting to remind me of a bored panther pacing it’s too small cage – which is not good. So I need to break out a bit - still this line of dialogue from the old Calvin and Hobbes comic strip comes to mind

Hobbes: “well do what comes naturally.”
Calvin: “Every time I do that I get sent to the principle's office”

Watch/fell asleep to The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues which is yet another in these long list of nothing films made to have something on the screen before the main picture came on at the drive in. As best I can remember – and again I did doze off – an older scientist has discovered some kind of weird deposit of Uranium offshore of some oceanographic institute – which consists of as far as we can tell – The Secretary’s office, the older Scientist secret lab of bad stuff and the wall of spear guns – the wall of spear guns was damn odd – unless a lot of people went spear fishing at lunch or something – then I could see having them that handy other wise it made not sense.

The rather small cast includes the Scientist’s lovely daughter – The male lead (also a scientist also played by Kent Taylor of the Blood Island Films) the Federal agent, the Professor’s sinister assistant, the blonde female spy, the Sheriff and the Janitor – there are some folks who’s main job is to get killed by the Phantom – who is a pretty stupid looking monster who hangs about the radiation source and kills anybody who comes to close by boat.

And it looks like the town only has the one boat. A rowboat no less. Where very very very white people – who really just glow – get in the boat with scuba gear and then wrestle with the monster – or some such.

Like a lot of these films not much happens for long stretches of time – the Scientist (who discovered the radiation source and then used it to make the monster) talks in vague weird generalities about the claws of science (which boiled and dipped in melted butter might be quite good – but just about anything broiled and dipped in melted butter is pretty damn good) grabbing him and not letting him go or the price that must be paid for progress. Nobody finds this kind of talk suspicious as the bodies (and the one boat) keep washing up on shore.

Meantime the Fed, the Male Lead and the Sheriff are trying to solve the mysteries of the bodies – (The Male lead also spends his time chatting up the Scientist’s daughter so he’s got a full plate).

And then there is the Scientist’s sinister assistant George who has made a deal with the blonde lady spy. He spends most of his time lurking about in the bushes near the beach spear gun in head (taken from the college’s ‘wall o spear guns’) he takes a pot shot at the Male lead and the fed and then later he kills the secretary (for no real reason that anybody can understand expect to toss a red herring into the mix)

In the end – the elder Scientist (after a ship blows up – man takes a lot of convincing) decides that maybe having a highly dangerous radiation source guarded by a mutated monster close by is not in the community’s best interest and goes to blow it up and in the you could see it coming from the beginning of the film ironic twist the Scientist is killed by his creation and then the stuff blows up – while the fed, the Male lead and the Scientist’s daughter look on from the beach. (Both guys are wearing suits which considering their unbearable whiteness when they were in bathing suits is a blessing) and the Male lead gives the ‘he tampered with things man was not meant to know” speech as the credits start to roll.

At least I think that is what happened as noted I did nod out a couple of times.

Overall not much to justify watching the damn film in the first place – the monster looks pretty damn goofy but he’s not on stage enough and he doesn’t really do much except over turn the same small row boat about 6 times.

Random Neural Firings:

The recently released John Yoo memo that justified torture is among the most appalling things ever issued by the United States Government (and by extension us) we stand revealed as a thug nation – not that they didn’t know – the White House tried to keep this memo secret not because of security concerns but because it’s in their eyes embarrassing – it’s not embarrassing it’s horrific but they have no souls.

Meantime in an unrelated story kind of – Obama went bowling in PA and some folks don’t think he looked manly enough doing it. Why is anybody talking like this allowed anywhere near a microphone? We’ve already see the damage done by the press’s obsession with some kind of manliness test – we got W who can bench press more than I can but has been, per any objective measure a total fucking disaster. And we’re doing this again?

And what the hell is Lieberman doing hanging around with McCain all the time? And what seems to be happening is that he’s picking up McCain’s mistakes – recently talking about Al_Quedia in Iran – which is like Ian Paisley joining the Jesuits – not going to happen, is not happening and never will happen.

The recent events in Iraq proved a) we’re not in charge of anything there b) Iran is. Which alas proves that the country that won the US/Iraq war was Iran.

And lastly proving America is simply insane – a poster for some Wrestling show was put up in Orlando – a big one. But there was something odd about the Wrestlers – somebody had airbrushed the nipples. Apparently someone in the Orlando city government has told the wresting folks that they didn’t want the posters to be too proactive and I presume the poster folks in a sprit of better safe than sorry when dealing with lunatics had the wrestler’s nipples covered up - not that they thought the sight would send Orlandoans into a frenzy of desire but knowing there are people out there who live to be offended and make trouble.

The world thinks were a band of heavily armed lunatics – and can you blame them?

Peace, Love. Small row boats


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