Thursday, March 27, 2008

Brain burn and the Democratic party c'est moi!

Well I’m beat to death –

Still I’m getting used to the idea of going on about 4 hours of sleep a night – granted my brain bluggle words giving me spadula problems but other than that its tabletop dancing robot sex.

Not really but I forget what I was going to write.

Lovely day yesterday a real taste of spring. The Enemy Below and I did three songs at Kenny’s Castaways (along with an Insect Girl Cameo). It’s been a while since it was just us on stage so it was a bit rusty but it was fun. We’ve been playing mostly to people who know the stuff so we don’t get the ‘oh my god did they just say that?’ google eye spit take moment. Which we did last night.

The guy who came on after us mentioned that he had a song that he thought wasn’t really that appropriate but realized that his concerns now were moot. I always like those moments. A sign we are doing our job at least as I see it – you can have your love songs you can have your heartbreak you can have your sensitive soul looking at the world songs –we’re gonna give you something bizarre about rat dogs, strange sex, insane people or some such.

It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.

Meantime – well I’m too beat and too blah to pay much attention to what’s happening in the world but apparently a group of Democratic party heavy hitters (big money guys) sent a note to Nancy Pelosi saying in the crabbed and hobbled language of indirect threat that she should stop saying that it would be wrong for the superdelgates to be see as overturning the will of the voters or she’d have her legs broken or some such. For once Nancy has stood her ground and told them to buzz off.

Meantime I read Hilary is making noises about a credentials fight over the Michigan and Florida delegates who have been bared from the convention because the DNC didn’t approve of their moving their primaries up earlier – Obama did not have a line on the ballot in either primary but Hilary did and it’s starting to look like she’s going to try and get those delegates seated.

Sweet Jesus the last thing the Democratic party needs is an ugly floor fight over credentials for delegates - and if Hilary gets the nod because of that and the super delegates the horrible taste in everybody’s mouth will easily lead to a similar situation where after a bruising floor fight in 1972 the labor blue collar wing of the Democratic party just sat on its hands or worse yet helped Nixon beat McGovern into the ground like he was a tent pole.

Not even FDR and Jack Kennedy combined could heal the wounds that a result like this – Hillary would be the nominee for a wounded party and would have to spend most of the run up to the election trying to put it back together again rather than going after McCain.

It’s crazy stuff really - apparently either Hillary or her people feel that Obama would be so bad (in some unnamed way) that would rather wreck the party than have him as nominee.

Well more on this as the time permits – I don’t get egos like this it makes the Louis the XIV “L'État, c'est moi!” seem modest by comparison.

Peace Love No Floor Fights!


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