Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gig Report and worrying about comic books will rot your mind

A good show last night despite my losing my voice ½ way through the set (I couldn’t really hear me too well in the monitor with the whole band playing so I started yelling more than singing) The Dude couldn’t hear anybody; The Enemy Below could only his own vocals and guitar, the girls couldn’t even hear themselves and S-dog didn’t say who he couldn’t hear – he’s like that. His keyboard could catch fire during rehearsal and he’d wait until there was a lull in conversation (probably caused by the rehearsal studio filling up with smoke) to say anything.

That said – we were told by the audience who after all can see and hear what is going on so they have a different perspective – which we just rocked. I’m not so dumb as to tell people who come up and tell me what a great time they had watching me ‘no no no I just sucked rockets tonight” – I might think that but at least in this instance I’m not letting my low self esteem (the gift that keeps on giving) sabotage this like it has a lot of other things in my life thank you very much.

On to an open mike tonight – it’ll be The Enemy Below and Me on stage for the first time in a long long time – we’ll see how we do. (We’re trying to raise interest in the cd release gig).

Clinton needs to Just Shut Up. The last thing we need is for her god damned soulless drones to be out there whispering that Obama is anti-Semitic or a scary black man or get this too liberal – I mean WTF? Debate real points or if you don’t have any – quit the race.

Obama isn’t perfect but lord a goshen he isn’t willing to blow up the Democratic Party to get the damn nomination – It looks like Hillary is.

With so much at stake here you’d think we’d be focused on the things that matter but we’re not.

Anyway one of the things Hillary did that pissed me off was some months ago she was standing in front of an array of microphones with the Lizard Joe Lieberman (who wants to be McCain’s vp nod so bad he’s probably driving McCain crazy with his sucking up) to denounce violent video games and their moral hazard to today’s youth.

It was another sad and depressing display of the “well we can’t really address the real problems so lets waste time with this.” a very popular Washington game – all the more popular when it’s aimed at ‘protecting children”.

Before Video games it was Rock n’ roll before rock n’ roll it was comic books. I ‘ve just picked up The Ten Cent Plague by David Hajdu which is a history of the comic book scare of the 50’s – when reading comic books were thought to lead to all sorts of horrible things – violence, drug use, homosexuality among others. There were even Senate Hearings on the matter (and you thought talking to Clemens was a waste of damn time). Silly, half crazed and it damn near destroyed the comic book industry it’s a pretty depressing chapter in the history of American Popular culture.

As long as we have popular culture we’re going to have this debate of what kids should read and watch and the like (what the can emotionally handle what they can’t et al). Call me old fashioned but I don’t think the Senate is the place where this debate should take place – at least not until every last problem on the face of the earth has been solved – after that maybe but not before .

More thoughts on this as I get deeper in the book.

Again sorry for the short post but again it’s a busy time of year.

Peace Love Shazam!


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