Monday, March 24, 2008

Post Easter and waiting for spring -

Maybe I’m just suffering from some early spring malaise brought on by allergies – but there is something wrong with today – things that normally go without a hitch are not, attempts to solve problems are not working and I get the sense of unhappy undercurrents in everybody’s conversation today – it makes for an uncomfortable place.

Eh – no matter how bad days do end.

Meantime this week looks to test my ability to get along without sleep and my dedication to music – several of us are going to see The Presidents of the United States tonight – followed by a gig at the Delancey tomorrow – a open mike appearance at Kenny’s castaways or some such – then a small psychotic break down on my part on Thursday when I announce that the band will henceforth be going in a new direction – Tibetan prayer chants combined with whale songs and a back beat. After which there will be a frank exchange of views followed physical violence – still if it helps us get some publicity I’ll deal with it.

The trees are just starting to bud around where I live – which is a good sign – we’ve had this grey and cold winter go on for far too long - it is long past time for warm days and green – flowers and the like – we still have to wait a while but we wants it right now.

Saw a bit if Bill Maher last night I don’t have HBO – while he’s funny – I don’t think I could really deal with him on a regular basis – he seems too pleased with being Bill Maher for one thing.

Also when Bill and the panel were talking about Eliot Spritzer’s resignation because he was seeing prostitutes – he started off being somewhat sympatric to Elliot saying something to the point that isn’t this an indication of how much people need sex.

At this I’d have to disagree – going to a prostitute for sex – is mostly about power and not sex – as a gov and a big hitter in the New York Democratic party he could get laid just about anywhere. – This was about power – when you order up a woman up like she was a Chinese take out dinner – that isn’t sex – hell baby oil and some porno can take the edge off of most folk for a night.

Or course I may not be the best person to commentate upon this since my current dry spell is reaching a frightening anniversary (no I’m not saying).

In other cheerful news the number of American Servicemen and women has reached 4,000. While 4,000 isn’t much more tragic and a waste than 3,999 our minds are impressed with round numbers – I expect the more vocal public supporters of the war to either go to ground for a few days or say something to the effect “it’s just a number.” – lota classs these guys have.

The lowering of the tone of the election goes on – Pat Buchanan long time right wing talking head jabbed over the weekend that Black people should feel grateful to the white man for bringing him to America educating him, giving him blah blah blah. Pat who the hell asked us to do that?

Ah well – this will get worse when Obama gets the nod (as I suspect he will) – but alas this was stuff any black candidate for president was going to have to deal with. Even if he was Bill Cosby.

Sorry this is so short head not willing to take flight today – report on the concert and other things as they come up.

Peace Love - bloom already yah damn trees!


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