Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Concert and Baseball in a faraway land

Great show last night - just amazing stuff by The President’s of the United States. The energy was out of this world the songs were great as well. One thing I liked – at the end of the show they hung about a bit to shake hands with their fans – unlike some folks who just dash the hell off the instant the music is over and only want to get the hell out of there – of course staying there has a downside as well fans can get a little out of hand – and end up almost tearing you limb from limb in their excitement (or in our case their disgust and anger at what we’ve just done on stage.)

Anyway as much as I enjoyed the show it was somewhat rendered it less the best I ever saw – mostly the actions of this jackass in front of me who 1) kept changing the position of the bill of his baseball cap during the show which just seemed odd to me but what was worse of he and his friend wouldn’t shut up the entire show – I couldn’t head much of what they said but it annoyed me on an artistic sense – why go to the show in the first place if you’re just gonna jabber all during the songs I have to assume you wanted to hear. It doesn’t make any sense. – the other problem came from several frat boys behind me who’s repose to the music was to jump up and down and bang into each other. Which is okay – but if I people are going to bang into me I’d prefer them to be women just on the off chance one of them would stick somehow.

I’m not much of a huge jumper at concerts – I’m bit older and lot heavier than I was in my pogoing days so I just stand there and let the music wash over me. Which I was tying to do when one frat boys banged into – at first I thought it was an accident but it happened again and then again so I turned around and said “stop” in a tone of voice that I hoped held the message that things would get ugly if they didn’t. They did stop so everything was cool.

This is going to have to be another short post – it’s the end of the quarter and we’ve got that to deal with and I’m off to a show tonight at the Delaney which should be fun. But I haven’t been able to blog as much as would like lately. And worst of all I have Nudes For Satan next from Net Flix but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see that. And it looks oh so so bad. My heart aches.

I think the Japan baseball stuff is just a silly stunt pulled by a guy who is running out of silly stunts to pull. I did turn on the game this am but quickly turned off the sound as the announcers were busy praising Bud Selig on this event and all the other things he’s done for baseball (no not the canceled world series or the steroid problem) and then they asked Bud to praise himself for all the wonderful things he’s done for baseball (which he did)

There also was advertising on the side of the A’s Batting helmets – a new bad trend?

Opening day should have one game – the Reds home opener.

Well enough before I start raving.

Peace Love play ball!


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