Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ash Wednesday - Lent - Comic Books and Drums

It’s Ash Wednesday – where all practicing Catholics get a spot of ashes on their forehead which while it is supposed to be applied as a cross it always looks like a chimney sweep poked them with his finger.

I was raised catholic but honestly I can’t even remember the last time I attended Ash Wednesday or even the last time I was in a Catholic church when it didn’t have something to do with a wedding, confirmation, communion or a funeral.

Anyway Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent – where you are supposed to deny yourself something you love for 40 days (the length of time Christ spent in the wilderness per the bible) until Easter comes around. I always thought the church was just being excessively mean – it’s already February a difficult enough month to being with you have to add this to the mix?

If you even wanted to go to an Irish bar but it was always too crowded – this is the time at least for the next couple of weeks as a lot of folks are going to give up drinking (or try anyway) so it’ll be less crowded for a bit.

There was a silly movie out a couple of years ago called 40 days and 40 nights were the idea was that this guy was going to give up sex for lent but because it was comedy didn’t tell anybody esp. the girl that falls for him. It was directed by the man who directed Hudson Hawk a film so appallingly bad that I have only been able to watch 5-10 minute snippets of and it took a team of reviewers to do the film for the Agony Booth (if you like bad films described in detail this is the website for you – do check them out) and I think several of them are still being treated for the damage the movie caused.

In my case it wouldn’t be giving up sex, but giving up complaining about sex (specifically that I get none) for 40 days might well do me in.

As the Dust settles from Super Tuesday – it looks like Obama and Clinton go to the end of the race – and while McCain looks in front, it’s not quite locked up as Hucakbee ran the table in the south – Meantime Mitt Romney has as of today spent about a million dollars per delegate – not as humiliating as the Fifty Million Rudy spent of his single delegate (and oh boy is that guy going to be lonely) but still pretty awful.

Hucabee’s run is making the grand poobahs of the GOP very nervous – they are and remain more than eager to pander to folks they consider to be snake handling wack jobs but god forbid they actually want a place at the table.

One the other side to be honest I think Hillary is just too much a creature of the village for my taste – and she also wastes her time with gibberish like going tu-tu about violent video games with the walking slime pit Joe Lieberman (who keeps hoping John McCain will slip him the tongue next time – some Democrat he turned out to be) – which in this day age really should be about 197th on anybody’s to do list.

Of course some 50 years ago it was comic books – gory violence, sex (gay and straight) the whole 9 yards – it just seems that there is a segment that seeks attention and power by pointing out the hidden dangers (the same each time) of a segment of popular culture. They almost managed to kill the comic book – I don’t see them doing that to the gaming industry but it has had a chilling effect on it “maybe this is too violent for anyone”

It depresses the soul it does.

But our drummer has a new drum set – which I’m eager to hear and we’re going to re-doing some vocals and mixing down the last songs on Saturday – which is kind of weird fun for me (of course I have be kept away from effects – left to my own I’ll start layering all sorts of echoes and delay and feedback into the vocals until it sounds like the cookie monster trying to sing opera at the bottom of a dry well. Which doesn’t work much for our stuff really.

Shakia - Because man does not live by Diana Rigg alone.

Peace Love New Drums!


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