Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Gig! Politics! Big Monster!

WE got another gig!

Well why not – when we started out it was tough getting gigs (kinda still is) – so when they drop into out lap like they just did – we go. So we’re playing at The Delancy – a pretty nice looking club in the East Village area – if anybody shows up it’ll be a miracle but maybe the folks what missed the Luna can give it a shot.

We’ll see.

Watching Hillary Clinton’s campaign sputter and toss a few gears, I keep thinking back to the 1972 election and the candidate Hunter Thompson called “Big Ed Muskie The Man from Maine” – her entire idea was a) not to say anything that could endanger her number one position b) pretty much not say much of anything (but this is a pretty common deal) and state mild inoffensive blandness.

We have a tragic and absurd war to deal with, the cost of health care is breaking the system, the housing market has collapsed (taking what knows with it) there is a credit crisis that has tipped the economy into a recession, for the first time since the 19th century England has a better standard of living for the average Joe than we do, The Iranian and the US Navies are playing chicken in the Persian gulf, and the idea that their kids will do better than they did (aka the American Dream) is dead for far too many – this is no fucking time for careful as you go stuff and we all know it, we feel it in out bones – we’re going full speed towards an ice berg – which is melting because of Global warming.

The problem is that there are enough powerful people (and their well paid toadies) who like the way things are now and will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. Witness this absurd face of Mike Bloomberg making noises about running for president on a unity ticket – decrying the partisanship of DC – I may note he didn’t have many problems with it while anybody who, for example, doubted the wisdom of going to war with Iraq was called a saddam lover and traitor, hell he gave the NYPD free reign during the republican convention to spy on such dangerous group as the Quakers and Mothers for peace.

No Bloomberg isn’t about bi-partisan ship – he’s about keeping the status quo or more precisely keeping his deck chair exactly where it is.

Ugh – enough I’ll start sounding like a Jacobin in a bit and I hate when I do that.

Still counting the days until Cloverfield (10) not sure if the film is going to be any good really – but how many big monster pictures do they release these days – none really. My worry about the film judging by the ads that I’ve seen is that the story is going to focus on a group of young New Yorkers dealing with the attack on the city by a giant Monster – which has a Godzilla meets Friends feel to it. And frankly I’m not too hip on something like that. King Kong was the star of f-king King Kong and it’s central focus - the huge weakness of the American Godzilla was its insistence on concentrating on the boring people rather than the Monster (who was also boring but I’m not going to get started on that rant again).

So I’ll let you now about that.

Peace Love Giant Monsters.


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